[no matter what they claim it is no more a Syrian but a Cyprian Latakia at least in the last few years
Do you think that relates to all producers?]
The last two producers who had Syrian in the last 3 or 4 years were McClelland and McBaren. McClelland finished their Syrian at the beginning of this year and all their Syrian blends are out of production. McBaren is still in production, however in the last couple of years they changed to a different subpar batch and it will be the last one. Basically Syrian is gone (except some questionable quality of McBaren). This is not to say Cyprian is not good, but if you are looking for Syrian (which I personally prefer) you need to look at cellared tins at this point. Also keep in mind all Syrian blends used leaves from batches of the 70'-80' as production was virtually stopped at that time (nothing to do with the recent war but with government rules to protect the environment).