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Jun 23, 2011
My darling bride quite likes my pipes and was a big force in our decision to turn a spare room into a den when it needed to be restored following some rain damage. (We'd thought about a craft room for her, but she needs more space and is happy having taken over the guest room for now.) We're both pleased with how the room turned out and have taken to having our "Dad's home from work" chats there most evenings, and to reading together in the rare quiet moments on the weekend.
She's got a sensitive nose and always claimed -- when I smoked more cigars than pipes -- to be able to tell if I'm smoking a "good cigar" or not. She doesn't love some of the room notes of some pipe tobaccos, but considers none of them as oppressive as most cigars. She also thinks pipes are "kinda sexy," and who am I to tell her otherwise?
She, too, likes how easy it makes gift giving -- at Christmas I got a really nifty Xikar Scribe pipe lighter that I now use daily; my favorite lighter by a wide margin. She also really appreciates the artistry and craftsmanship of some of the pipes I have.
I'm always a little befuddled by fellows who post that their wife "won't allow this" or "doesn't permit that." Just not how our home is arranged, I suppose. But then, one of "Robert's Rules" is: "No one understands anyone else's marriage."



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 31, 2011
Never asked my wife. She will sit outside with me and smoke a nail. Occasionally comment on the smell. She tends to like the Middletons Apple that I will smoke once in a while.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2010
I'm pretty much free to smoke in the garage or outside all that I like. No more smoking in the car now that we have a baby (4 mos old on Friday), and no smoking in the house at all. She made her parents quit cigarettes in return for allowing them to handle the baby, so it would be hypocritical of me to smoke in the house. I know, I know, pipe smoke isn't as dangerous as cigarette smoke, but that argument is why I'm still allowed to smoke in the garage at all. She does like the smell, though.
We're having our yearly rugby formal/awards banquet tomorrow night, and she's not going to be able to go, so I will get to enjoy a pipe outside the bars tomorrow with the team.
There's a million fine looking women in the world, but not all of them will let you smoke. Most of them just cheat on you.



Sep 23, 2011
The only thing she ever says is "Don't you have some like that?" At which point I go on to show the differences at which point the little woman in her head is telling her "Nod and smile, I think the quilt show is this weekend. Did I feed the dog?"
After 35 years the rapids of our marriage is over, I hope, and the smooth waters let us drift on to the sunset.
Sometimes she will go into my office and comment about the stinky pipe cleaners in the bin, at which point I then agree and empty the bin. We can put up with a lot of stinky in the bin, we are after all, men. :puffy:



Jan 16, 2012
Eatonville, WA
Why do they always feel they can change us? The got with us the way we are now so why attempt to mold us or manuver us into a corner. Ever see a cornered badger?
I love my wife to death (hopefully it doesn't get that bad), but she can nagg like Marge Simpsons sisters. I stopped smoking a pipe for cigarettes out of the convinience factor. But now that i realize the cost effectiveness of smoking a pipe i have come back and I dont think i am going to quit any time soon. Wish she could understand i need this. it helps me relax like her Vodka helps her relax. GRRRRRRR :evil:



Oct 18, 2010
My wife has been a cig smoker as long as I've known her, she stopped twice for 8 months, each time while she was pregnant. So you know where she is at, she actually encouraged me to return to the pipe. I don't smoke in the house, but that's my choice as she does and says if I want to it's fine with her. She does not like some of the blends I smoke and will readily state if she enjoys the note of one or not. With that guidance I will smoke blends like Celtic Talisman, her favorite, or a mild cavendish when she's in the car or sitting with me outside. She has bought me several very nice pipes, but stays away from buying tobacco because she understands she don't know anything about it. She has stated that all the wierd wood I have sorta looks the same, so I gently point out her collection of dolls are virtually all the same, just different dresses, at least some of my pipes are made by different people.



May 4, 2011
I guess my wife's remarks the other day were some kind of evidence. My doctor recently put me on new medicine and didn't want me to drink or do any other drugs. I said fine, I am not the kind of person who needs a drink every day and when I do I don't usually drink more than two. My wife had asked me about it and I told her that all I really do now, except for a Scotch or mixed drink every week or so is smoke my pipe.
She said, "Well that doesn't count as a drug." I found that pretty funny but decided now was not the time to lecture on the definition of a drug.
she also got me a bad ass Peterson for Christmas, so I think we're good here. :puffy:



Can't Leave
Jan 9, 2012
My wife is indifferent to Virginias, dislikes English blends, but still does not argue with me smoking in the house. We have been married for 11 years, and I have always had a room that I used to smoke/think/drink in. She gets the rest of the house to decorate however she wants!



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 21, 2010
My wife is an ex-coffin nail smoker and has, over the years, evolved (devolved) into one of the smoke nazis we've all come to know. Sad to say I can only smoke my pipe away from home. Even then she occasionally grouses about how I'm killing myself. It's a house devided, at least on this issue.



Oct 1, 2011
Old Belt/U.S.A.
My wife would rather me smoke the pipe than cigarettes, Even though I smoke outside or in my shop she has never complained about me smoking either one. She is an ex-smoker and still talks to me about how she misses smoking once in a blue moon (thats the reason that I smoke outside) She likes the smell of pipe tobacco and She will point out different pipes that She thinks look nice or fitting to me. So all in all, She doesnt' have a problem with it. (Thank Goodness) :puffy:



Oct 20, 2010
OK my wife of almost 20 years thinks that picking up the pipe is not one of my better decisions. But, she knows the hours and stress of my job. She knows I will never endanger the family budget by smoking. I always smoke outside and wash immedately afterwards, so I don't set off her ashma. I don't like the smelly blends. She actually finds it interesting that she has found another facet of my personality. Still, if I must smoke, she prefers I use the BBQ grill instead.



Might Stick Around
Dec 18, 2010
I have been with the same woman for some time, and am contemplating engagement (this has been discussed in detail with this woman, and at this point seems inevitable and quite exciting). She has shown some disapproval of tobacco consumption of any kind, however, has also joked about giving me a smoking jacket as an engagement gift. It is something that is part of my life, and she seems to accept that. One of the many things that I find irresistible about this woman...



Feb 8, 2012
Me and my wife have a understanding my house my money my rules atleast she lets me think that.

What i say goes.... right out the window.

I am the king of the castel when she is not around.

I ware te pants in the family because she zips them up......



Jan 30, 2012
Hazel Green AL
My wife does not mind, however I imagine she knows within pennies exactly how much I spend. It is all cataloged in her head for her shopping sprees. Sometimes I forget how much a favorite tobacco was an ounce. I just ask her and she can tell me to the penny, including shipping.



Jun 16, 2011
My girlfriend doesn't really have a problem with it. There are some blends I smoke that she doesn't like the room note of though.

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