I am not Mario Persico, so I have to smoke every pipe I own. It seems unfulfilling to be an unsmoked pipe.
Gives me that whole "kid on Christmas Morning" feeling to know I have a pipe coming!I like your style Duane. I'm get happily antsy when I see a new lens or body "on the truck."
Well...sable, we are still waiting to hear the price tag on that one.
You and everybody else...Now if I happened to come across 100 year old Barlings that were new, I would never smoke them. I would sell them to Jesse for triple what I paid for them.
Yeah... what can I say @pipestud? I'm 6'4, have a long dog (basset hound), like long pipes, and prefer foot long hot dogs to regular hot dogs. Additionally, a few months on the Appalachian Trail, getting struck by lightning as a kid, and having my house get struck by lightning and burn down in 2007 made me respect the fact mother nature eats what she wants when she wants.Man, mothernaturewilleatusallforbreakfast, you've got the longest handle that I've ever seen on a forum!