I'm fairly new too but so far in my extensive exploration and my advanced stage of TAD I've found that Peterson's Irish Flake is a staple especially as my first bowl in the early morning with my Turkish Coffee. So far its the only blend I make sure I always have on hand. I'm also getting enamoured by SG 1792!
In terms of English/Balkan a few have captivated me to various degrees but I cannot yet call favourite because they're so delightful in general - among them are:
- Red Raparee
- Dunhill 965
And I'm resisting popping a tin of Nightcap open until I finish my current open tins which I like a lot already!
As for Straight Virginias so far nothing came close to Christmas Cheer and I find myself anxious to stock up on it because while I enjoyed Union Square I felt it was too tangy for my taste.
On VaPer side of things I haven't yet been convinced! With all the rave reviews on Escudo, I did enjoy it but didn't really find myself keen on ordering again at least for now. GLP Cairo got me immensely interested but I'm still on the fence (so did Elizabethan Mixture) regarding the VaPer offering in general. I have a sealed tin of HH Acadian Perique which I'm looking forward to popping since people say its magic!
For Orientals, Drama Reserve completely shocked me with its Olive Oil taste. It sounded wrong and repulsive when I read about it but I couldn't believe how sublime it was (my first tin of this was 4 years old and I'm a bit worried to open a fresh one and be disappointed

I've developed a bit of a dislike for Aromatics but I find my self reaching for Solani 369 when my sweet tooth calls.
With TAD developing like an out of control tumour I'm sure this will change in the near future but I'm quite confident Irish Flake will continue to be the one. Its mighty, its sweet, its earthy, and its, to me, what Pipe tobacco should be!