Oops. I caused a nationwide Granger famine.
Let’s see? I have at one time aggravated the roof of my mouth, but have never had tongue bite. When I began I was a huge MacBaren fan. These have a reputation for burning hot and taught me to slow down.
Today I have a single favorite tobacco and it’s very hard for me to reach for anything else. I feel fortunate. Life is a joy. Oh, I’ll sample others, often in side by side comparisons for fun and can appreciate them, but they never win!
This morning it was Solani Aged Burley Flake vs Granger. I didn’t finish the ABF. I’ll hit it again tomorrow.... maybe.
240 blends and nearly 50 lbs of tobacco in your first year?
I have 15 lbs of Granger and maybe 4 lbs of assorted tins.
But I would run into a burning house to recover the Granger ??