Just before bed (usually around 2 am), just before sunset while reading a book, around noon with a cup of joe and a bit of something for lunch, sitting on a bench-swing and gazing off into the tree-tops outside Wooten Hall on campus.
I too enjoy my pipes all day long, and for the most part, after each meal.
Like others said, if I had to pick only one time of day, then I would say evening, but I am glad I do not have to do that.
This time of year its during the day with the Sun shinning. During better weather i like to smoke outside at night and relax and listen to what is going on in the neighborhood.
My favorite time is definitely after a meal with a close second being the first bowl of the day.Flavors always seem the best when the mind is at ease and nothing is rushed.
Whenever I am able to Partake in the Pipe is the best time for me! Tommy, that is the most wonderful song...thanks for sharing it...my pipe is yearning!
I usually like to smoke right after I have..... uh.... Oh, I forgot what I was talking about.....I can't even remember when the last time I had...... Oh, never mind!
At my age, my memory is still good, it's just short, that's all.
Have to say my favorite time to puff is when everything quiets down in the evening. Sitting out on the patio just enjoying the moment and a bowl of whatever strikes my fancy.
It depends: I really like smoking an English blend after a meal but I rarely get to smoke in the mornings. However, my brohter-in-law and I smoked two bowls each of P.A. on Christmas Eve morning out by the pool deck. We had coffee and talked about pipes and music. We didn't even notice the cold and I'll never forget it.
I'm an occasional puffer all day; but after the evening meal is special.. and again later at night is better still. In the quiet of the darkness, the mind thinks best, uncluttered by the activity of the day, and settling down for a peaceful nights rest.
You know guys, "when do you smoke" and "When do you like to smoke best" are different questions. Surely there is -some- hour of the day you like best, if not for the pipe itself but the weather, or the food...or something.
I'm a late evening smoker myself, preferring the chance to sit and meditate, read, post on this forum and generally whittle away the time with a cloud of smoke my companion. Unless of course new tobaccos arrive in the mail, in which case it's game over.