You, Your Pipe and Your SO

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May 23, 2018
My wife and I have been married forty years this coming November. At this point she doesn't really care what I do or how I spend money. The only exceptions are NO drugs, NO excessive alcohol and NO other women. I can live with those terms.



Jan 5, 2018
The Faroe Islands
My SO (what does that mean?) doesn't mind. She smokes cigarettes. As long as I am not in the garage smoking all night every night.

Some day I am going to install some kind of fan in the T.V. room so we can watch a movie together while I smoke, but I want my kids to grow up a little without too much second hand smoke first.



Feb 15, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
My wife bought me my first pipes and encourages me to smoke. Outside. That said, cigarettes are a big no although I have no desire to smoke cigarettes.
She occasionally will have a few puffs but mostly she does her red wine, I smoke my pipe and we debate all manner of things. She does not care for Latakia blends. So, if we are not walking, I stick to Virginia's/Perique blends, or good Aros.



Apr 26, 2013
My wife kicks ass. Though she isn't a huge fan of pipes or smoking, she is a huge fan of me. I get pipes and pipe stuff every Christmas and on my birthday. Woo hoo!



Mar 28, 2018
Green Bay
My wife is pretty cool. She doesn’t enjoy the smell of anything tobacco, but I smoke outside or in the garage, and she’s good with it. Sometimes she joins me, but sits far enough away to be out of my cloud. But she gives me pipes for gifts, and is supportive otherwise. She thinks my pounds and pounds of cellared tobacco is excessive, but doesn’t give me flak.



Dec 25, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
When I was courting my wife, I got her into smoking Fuente Petite Coronas and paved the way for the rest of the marriage. If she does not have a cigar clipped for her when she gets home, I get a text. She supports my pipe smoking and generally does not have issues with me buying pipes or tobacco. I've tried several times to get her into pipe smoking, but she would rather stick with cigars.



Might Stick Around
Apr 18, 2018
My wife is pretty cool. She doesn’t enjoy the smell of anything tobacco, but I smoke outside...and she’s good with it. Sometimes she joins me, but sits far enough away to be out of my cloud.

Ditto here. She likes the sit down and talk time. Tonight, though, she jumped up and went inside. It was already borderline too hot, and then the wind shifted, and a big creamy cloud of White Night smoke settled around her head. Might have been better if it was an aromatic, but the breeze was not cooperating.

...But she gives me pipes for gifts, and is supportive otherwise.

Man, I need to work on her for that before next Christmas. Not sure we will get to the point where she actively buys for me. She is very tolerant, but active support is the next level.
She is intrigued at how I research every new hobby. She probably thinks I will grow out of this. Who knows? She may be right. I do love it now, though!
...She thinks my pounds and pounds of cellared tobacco is excessive, but doesn’t give me flak.

Probably the same here, but I don't have that much cellared yet.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I actually got into the hobby more seriously because one time I was having a pipe on the patio when my now wife then girlfriend came over. She saw me having me a bowl and was all, "I didn't know you smoked a pipe. That's sexy.". From then on it got more serious.
It's usually outside. When it's spring and in the 70s I can open the house up and put an air purifier on to have a bowl in the living room.
She does enjoy smelling the new blends I pick up.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 24, 2018
North Carolina
Don't have a significant other, but the women in my family love the fact that I took up the pipe. My grandmother especially loves the smell of pipe tobacco and often turns up with a tin for me to try. My mother is the same way, when I light my pipe in the evenings she comes outside to enjoy the aroma (I only smoke outside). My father seems indifferent to it, he's said they smell good but really he just likes to sit and talk. Only reason he likes the pipe is because it relaxes me and relieves the anxiety disorder some. He even tried it himself but doesn't like the taste of smoke in his mouth.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 7, 2011
My wife bought me my first Birth year Dunhill. God Bless her. :D



Jul 15, 2018
Pretty lucky with mine here, she even bought me a pipe for christmas a couple of years ago. No smoking inside the apartment, though! As the balcony has a comfy chair and a sidetable for piperest and beverage of choice, I get by just fine.

Jul 15, 2011
The wife used to smoke cigs. I never have, but I love cigars and pipes and she's extremely tolerant, god love her. She likes it when I smoke aromatics, which is not often, but sometimes Ill crack open a bulk aromatic and set it on a dish to make the room smell good, just a small amount, works pretty well, I just have to keep it somewhere the dog won't get it.



Can't Leave
Oct 8, 2017
I’d say my wife tolerates it. Doesn’t say much unless I am “wasting time” or “money” when she has things for me to do. If all is cleared off that honey do list, I get not grief, and she will even occasionally suggest I go sit on the porch with my pipe. Depends on the day.



Jan 2, 2015
My wife supports my habit by buying me pipes, lighters and pipe cleaners for my birthday and for Christmas. She also bought me a couple of tins of tobacco last Christmas. She is awesome!

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