fiawol, since you started with a basket pipe, you might want to spend some more time at the pipe shop, to give
you a hands-on idea about buying pipes -- a lot of window shopping (well, more inside at the pipe display).
This will give you a better idea about what you are looking at online. I think ebay is a really tricky way to buy
pipes until you have learned quite a bit -- about brands, about shapes, about all the details. I think it pays to
buy a few moderate priced new pipes successfully, to develop some know-how, before trying to buy estate pipes
(used pipes) but that's just me. Some members buy only estate pipes. In any case, you'll learn more and get
better results if you spend a lot of time getting to know pipes and tobacco between purchases, so this is enjoyable
and part of the hobby. (I grew a mustache in the Navy because it annoyed the officers so much, though the Navy
said I could, but I finally shaved it off -- it really made me look morose. Grew it again later in life, and when I
shaved it off, and waited several weeks, I finally had to take my wife out to supper to point out to her that it
was gone! Oh well.)