you can never have too much whiskey

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Can't Leave
Jan 22, 2011
well i will tell you what i sure did. yesterday was the good old 21 and in VA boy fashion i broke the new year in wiht a bowl of squadron leader and with a friend i killed a bottle of good old JD number 7 ..... well all i really remember is that i wanted cheese burger and some how i got one.



Can't Leave
Jun 15, 2011
Was station on an Aircraft carrier anchored off of Malta. Woke up on a

Destroyer. I was 19years old at the time. Wine and beer from then on. Than just beer.

Drink water the next morning after 3-4 bottles of wine and you end of the same shape as the night before.




Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 16, 2010
YES YOU CAN.I lost a few years in the 70`s because of old jack D. and a few other things.



Sep 1, 2011
Yep you must respect whisky or it will hurt you. Happy birth day by they way. I can hardly remember my twenty first also. Thanks to some good friends and free drinks. :wink:

Jun 26, 2011
Pacific Northwest USA
Agree with Buckeye, buster, there is a thing as too much JD!
Decades later my 21st B'day is still clearly etched in my memories. At once glorious and SCARY (-;

I celebrated with, among other things, JD also.

Woke up atop a pile of broken cement in a construction site, my motorcycle parked tidily on it's center stand at the base.
And I didn't get MY cheeseburger that night (-:
Congrats on the milestone, may there be many more ahead.



Sep 23, 2011
For me it was 18, back in the 70's 18 was legal. I started working as a bouncer at a strip club in DC. I got hammered after the bar closed with another friend and a couple of the girls as a "18 and got a great job" celebration. I am so glad there was no cell phones then with cameras, my friend tells me I was on the stage with the girls and they were teaching me the art of naked dancing. I do not remember much after the bartender, also a friend, was feeding me something with rum, and I am sure Everclear, so I will take his word on it. I do remember waking up at one not to be named stripper girl's house in just my socks. I thought I was going to die, truly, I think my head fell off a couple of times.
Later I learned that 2 B complex and a quart of water will kill a hangover in about 2 hours. An old bartenders trick.
Party on Garth...



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2011
Hmmmm...when your hugging the toilet puking..saying "I never do this again" then you've had too much.. :nana:



May 8, 2011
Every body needs one good night and one bad morning to remind us that one why its fun, and two, how much it sucks the next day.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 1, 2011
This is a long story and there are two parts so bear with me...
Hachinohe, Japan. News Year Eve 2003. The girl I was "dating" at the time worked at a bar down in the city of Hachinohe and in the 4 years I was stationed in Japan I had become quite a regular there. The day before New Years Eve, the Mama'san (yes they go by that name) told all the girls in the bar to ask me if I would like to go bowling with them and a few of the Japanese regular customers. I agreed and the next day we went. As we were leaving the bowling alley, the girls informed me that my Japanese friends (none of whom could speak a word of English) wanted me to come back with them for some drinks. I had to run back to base to run a few errands, but I told them I would be back around 7 that evening.
While I was running around on base, I stopped at the "Class Six" (military speak for on-base liquor store) and decided to by my Japanese friends a bottle of Jack Daniels Single Barrel. I also picked up a bottle of Cuervo and a bottle of Absolut Lemon since previously I was told they had never had Tequila before and I figured I would show them how to do "Lemon Drops" as well. The plan was to go there, maybe have a drink or two and then bail. I was tired and had to be up at 6am on News Years Day.
When I got there, I walked up stairs to the bar and was told that everyone was waiting for me in the sushi restaurant below. So I went back down and found my Japanese friends sitting at the sushi bar eating and drinking. I produced the bottles of booze I had brought with me and we began to pour drinks. They seemed to like the tequila, and they LOVED the lemon drops! BTW, as I said before, none of them spoke a word of English and I didn't speak a word of Japanese and didnt have the benefit of the girls upstairs to translate for me which made drinking a lot more fun!
Anyway, I dont remember too much after that. I know we eventually made our way back upstairs to the bar, but after that I blacked out. The only thing I remember was waking up on a bamboo mat in the sushi restaurant at around 2pm the next day. Everyone from the bar was there passed out on the floor!!
Heres the second part... A few days prior to all this taking place, our Flight Chief informed us that a few of us while we were on break for the holidays, were going to be over due for our annual "chemical warfare refresher training" which is a fancy way of saying that we had to to go to a 4 hour lecture about how to properly use the gas mask and chemical suits. The training monitor set up a class to take place at 7am on New Years Day. We were told that Squadron Commander had made it a point that because it took place on that day, and he knew that people would be partying the night before, he would would "article 15"* anyone that didn't show up for the class.
Guess who didn't show up for the class? :D
The following Monday, I showed up for work and just knew I was going to be in deep doodoo. My stomach was in my throat. I walked into the office and a bunch of the guys were sitting there getting ready for the morning roll call. No one said a word about anything. One of the guys who also had to go to the training on New Years Day was sitting there reading his email so I asked him if he wanted to go smoke a cigarette. We walked outside, lit up, and I casually asked him about the class. He responded about how it sucked and how boring it was etc. So I asked him if anyone noticed I wasn't there. He responds with a huge grin "you were supposed to go that?" "Yep" I said. He then told me not to worry. He said that no one asked about me or even said anything and the class never even took a roll call.
WHEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Dodged a bullet on that one!!! :D
*Article 15 means "Non-Judicial" punishment. If you commit an offense serious enough that warrants a court martial, you're sometimes given the option to take an "article 15" instead. The difference being that if you take an article 15, your throwing yourself at the mercy of your commanding officer, rather than a court. Its an option they often give because sometimes a commanding officer can be a tad more merciful and you wont have the stigma of a full on court martial on your record.



May 4, 2011
They taste better going down than coming up. Worst tasting vomit possible = smoked salmon in a can. Absolutely putrid. Second worst, bad orange juice. Tastes awful going down. The gag reflex kicks in when your body realizes you just drank poison and it all comes back up. Leaves you burping up the taste for the rest of the day as a bonus. If you're gonna puke, eat something colorful and sweet, like Fruity Pebbles cereal. kind of masks the bile taste and the colors are entertaining, especially if you are still quite drunk. Most hilarious vomit was when my lead singer had drank a few pitchers of Guinness and eaten Mexican food. What landed on the pavement looked just like it did on the plate. It is possible to laugh and barf at the same time.
How not to barf: Match yourself water for drink (be it a shot or beer or wine) pause for a glass of water or casually sip at your water glass if you're in a pub setting. Hangover is 90% dehydration. Alcohol is a diuretic. Eat food WHILE you drink. Do not get f'ed up and then binge, that's the fast train to vomitville. Have your beer with a sandwich or burger or whatever you like. Even better, put food in your belly before you imbibe. Garlic contains a natural enzyme that helps your liver break down alcohol's by-product of acetylaldehyde into acetic acid, which is easier for the liver to tolerate. Just say yes to the extral garlic onn your pizza before you roll out!
Same with water. It's harder to stay hydrated if you continually puke back up the water. It's easier to stay hydrated if you were already fully hydrated before you started drinking
The B&B! Stock up on B-100 supplements. Alcohol depletes the body of vitamin B. When you hit that point where you know you've over extended yourself and realize the light at the end of the tunnel is the hangover express comin' at you, Take a B-100 with a full glass of water and a BC Powder (Other analgesics may suffice but BC is the way to go.) If you have the option take a perscription dose of Hydrocodone or other opioid. It'll take the edge off and insure better sleep (and which may just put you out before you have to deal with the spins and other side-effects). At this point you may want to switch from booze to water until the party is over. If you need to keep up appearances, nurse a drink, but keep the H2O comin'.
If you start pukin before the night is even over, congratulations! You've poisoned yourself. Just keep trying to introduce water and vitamins, even if you puke them up. Keep trying. Eventually, your body will equalize. Dread the coming morning. It's gonna suck no matter what you do.
You wake up and you realize you've really done it this time. Your head is pounding and your stomach is getting squiggly. If you have a Phenergan suppository, you can put it to rest. The Phenergan will keep you from puking long enough to get water back into you. At this point you should take more vitamin B along with A, C and E.
No phenergan? No Problem. It's an age-old trick called "Hair of the Dog". Mix you up a screwdriver or a bloody mary or if nothing else is available, open a beer and killit. PArt of an extreme hangover is alcohol deprivation. You may or may not get sick. I never believed this would work until an Army buddy convinced me.
All else fails. You woke up and are talking to Ralph on the Big White Telephone. Your mouth tastes like a bear shit in it overnight. Your head feels like its been through a hammer mill, your stomach hurts from the muscle contractions and you just have time to stop puking long enough to have burning diarrhea. Drink any fluid you can, understanding you will puke most of it back up, but keep it on. If you feel weakness, hot but aren't sweating, your head feels like your 40 feet under water and absolutely can't stop puking, go to the doctor. You have severe alcohol poisoning and dehydration and could die.
Other stuff: Coffee: needs to be drunk while the party is tapering off, not the next morning, unless you know you can keep a meal down. Sleep: Buys you time and nothing else.If you can get into a deep sleep and get 8-12 hours you may be able to overt the worst part of a hangover. Nicotine: Actually inhibits the metabolism of alcohol and can make things worse for you. Breathing Pure Oxygen: Good stuff if you can get it. Breathe pure O2 for 15 or 20 minutes and you will feel MUCH better.
How do I know so much? Working in the bar business and being a metal musician leaves you with some interesting skillsets.



Might Stick Around
Nov 2, 2011
My 21st birthday I lost my ID, so I couldn't even enjoy a drink at dinner. Needless to say it was because of the wild time I had the night before starting at midnight sharp. 21 drinks for 21 is a bad idea. If the tally on my arm was right I missed by 1 drink...



Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
I'm not 21 yet, but I know when I turn 21 it will be bad news. The few times I have drank I wasn't able to stop. I drank half a fifth of vodka almost every time, and I don't remember most of those nights. So unlike most teenagers I don't drink



Can't Leave
Oct 8, 2010
Washington State

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