Submit all you wish but, you do write from a position of total ignorance with regard both to my involvement in the making of laws and to my level of education/knowledge of such. I am also a realist with respect to the process. But, I do know right from wrong.
For those confused or unknowing please look up the definition of "ethos" the root of ethics. Pay particular attention to "personal ethos" or ethics. Those who bend themselves into pretzels justifying criminal behavior are engaging in "situational ethics" so to justify their unethical/illicit/illegal behavior.
I'm not a fan of those who practice such, Sartre being one. I do understand people often need to justify otherwise unjustifiable behavior. That's their choice. I've never been a fan of existentialism as it seems to just offer an excuse for behaviors I detest. Laws and regulations are made, changed, changed again. But, I believe in a country of laws. And again, I'm a pragmatist always anticipating the worst out of people. So, I'm never disappointed and sometimes, rarely, very rarely happily surprised.
Such is my opinion. One would have a hard time weaning a believer away from existential beliefs so I certainly won't try.
Sooooo ... 'nuff said!