I'd say you have two options, and neither are easy. One is that you should get rid of it, because no matter how beautiful it us, you may never be able to enjoy it again, unfortunately.
The second option, if you'll allow me to get up in your personal space here, would be to keep the pipe and do the deeper emotional work of processing the grief and pain of the divorce. This would of course be a challenging and vulnerable journey, one that would be best aided with the help of a counselor or pastor. Doing so would not really be about the pipe at all, but more about seeking healing in ways we all need anyway. We all have "hazes" around the ways we interpret reality, and we ALL can benefit from professional help in clearing those hazes. It's worth it.
Feel free to DM me if you want to talk more about such things... I'm a hospital chaplain and pastor and my wife is a therapist so I've spent a good amount of time thinking about emotional and spiritual health.

Blessings to you no matter what you decide.