Most people who live long have good genes. The people who don't have good genes need to be on top of their medical condition at all times. All the woman in my family live to mid 90's, the men all died at 66-67. I am very conscious about my numbers and try to eat healthy. I don't want to end up dead in 12 years, but you never know. I have a good gp, heart doctor, neurosurgeon and urologist and see them yearly. I take my medications like I am supposed to but I also live life. I eat eggs but in moderation, bacon, steak, burgers, all the good stuff, but I don't over do it. I love fish so I eat a lot of that and chicken. I stay away from processed foods in a big way. My typical dinner is a protein with steamed veggies. I think if we are conscious of what we put in our bodies and be smart about getting your numbers checked you can head off problems before they arise. Of course you need good health insurance which is a fortune, but it beats doing nothing and dropping dead from something preventable.