Lots of good advice above. Here is my philosophy of tools. First, figure out what type of work you want to do. Do you want to carve, turn, woodburn, make furniture, construction, etc. If you have a friend that is good at whatever you want to try, ask him if he could show you how to do it for an hour or so. Most guys would be glad to do this. Once you have decided what to do, buy good tools. If you find out that you really like it, get more specialized tools that can improve your work. If you find you don't like this type of woodworking, you could keep the tools or sell them.
Also, there tools that you need, but wish you didn't. Your bathroom plunger fits in this category. Harbor Freight has most basic tools at a reasonable cost. I haven't used my table saw in a few years. BUT, when I was insulating my garage, I had to have a table saw to cut the plywood.