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Sep 23, 2011
I just ordered a Wizard from MacQueen's. I saw a couple of threads about this pipe but no real smoking thoughts.
Does anyone have this and if so, how does it smoke?
I love really long churchwardens and this was the longest one I could find. I might just have to make one.



Can't Leave
Nov 1, 2011
I've been interest in getting a churchwarden for a little while now, the cool smoke really appeals to me. I'm interest to see how it smokes. I was also looking at the Macqueen pipes, seeing as they are Canadian, and I want to get as many Canadian made pipes as possible.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
"A Rose is a Rose by any other name", doesn't the same apply to Churchwardens, as in the features, functions and benefits would all be on a par?
Nevermind the practicality of them (supposedly being able to direct the smoke out of an open window/door being their main purpose) I just love the sheer elegance of them, and will snaffle every broken-in one I can find ('coz I'm struggling so much with my Mr Brog's "new pipe taste"). I have, however, often wondered why, a CW is always more expensive in comparison to other models in the maker's range - smaller bowl, longer stem, which surely doesn't justify such a huge increase in price.



Sep 23, 2011
Ah not true lass. I have 18 church's, most of which are under 125. In fact my Sav Clark's Favorite was under 80 delivered. They are not for hiding smoke out a window, they are for relaxing. Nothing like a long pipe and a glass of Medeira to top off a night. :wink:



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
There have been several posts on here about MacQueen pipes, but trying to find them with our search engine is about as successful as finding a Pope who hasn't masturbated.



Oct 13, 2011
Puget Sound
I love my churchwardens but don't have a MacQueen's yet. Let us know how you like yours.
I do have a Brigham and a Lepeltier clay. So far I have had good experiences with Canadian pipes. I expect MacQueen's won't let you down.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2011
Chicago, IL
I have a MacQueen. It smokes just fine. Definitely not my favorite, definitely worth taking good care of tho. I have the ranger so it's shorter. They are definitely unique which I think is there biggest draw. There were a few extremely sloght imperfections w/ my pipe that I know other companies wouldn't have let threw, and the costumer service was pretty sub par IMO 2 years ago when I ordered. However, you can't find a pipe that looks like those at the relatively low prices anywhere else, and they do look cool.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
"They are not for hiding smoke out a window"
PIH, I read that "window, door bit" (not hiding per se, rather, the article said "directing") on pipedia or somewhere, relating back to days of yore, Victorian gentleman and all that stuff.
Whatever their original design purpose, I like them a lot. Off to check out the MacQueens variety.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 1, 2011
I have both the MacQueen Wizard (briar version) and the White Wizard (ash wood). Ill try and give a proper review of both soon.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 7, 2011
Macqueen pipes. Read the reviews. I could write a novel. But keeping it simple. I have 2. A Ranger and another one that is a hybrid. The first ranger I bought from pipesandcigars, the bowl cracked the first week.they quickly replaced it. The replacement lasted some months, with lilttle smoking and now split again in a different place. Its a great looking pipe and smokes well when not split. The other churchwarden is good and smokes well. I haven't had a great time with their customer service and they take forever. (Months) Then offer a gift certificate that doesn't work. If you can order from pipesandcigars then do. I'm glad I have my macqueens but wouldn't want to relive that exasperating pipe order again. I should and maybe will send back my ranger but I know it will take months. Thanks for reminding me. Good luck and pipesandcigars.com is all I will say.
Writting on new device, sorry if there's typos.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 7, 2011
To be clear. Pipesand cigars was great. Ordering directly from macqueen was trying.



Jan 8, 2011
A "Church Warden" was a name kids used to give to priest and deacons in school. They all smoked a long pipe so they could reach an unruly child during church. They would tap the kid on the shoulder to get their attention using the bit. Thus the pipe they all smoked got the same name.



May 29, 2011
I had read once that the pipe was long enough for the bowl sit on the back of the pew in front of the smoker. Either way, who knows for sure? I have a Pete I bought in the 80's for 29.00, and a Brebbia for $25.00 around 2001. I think the prices for Churchwardens started to climb after The Lord of the Rings movies came out. The long stem makes up for the tiny bowls on most Churchwardens, since the little bowls do get very hot.



Sep 23, 2011
Thanks for the input. The pipe was in stock from Medieval Collectibles but, the stand will be 3 MONTHS! Wow, these guys need to hire more people to make pipes because as time moves away from the LOTR movies less people will be willing to wait for them, "while the sun shines..."



Feb 21, 2012
I currently own a MacQueen wizard pipe, Cherry wood, and it smokes quite well. I had a problem of it breaking on the bowl right were the stem joins. It still smokes so i ordered another one last March and still have not recieved it. I was going to send in my bowl to be replaced or repaired as soon as my new one came in. I haven't gotten a responce from them in over a month after all they told me was it was being held up in customs. As for the pipe it is a good smoker, I think the longer stem cools the smoke some. The cherry wood gives it a good flavor. It is a little difficult to clean sometimes though.

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