Winter Is Coming!! Can't smoke as much....

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 1, 2016
NW Indiana
Winter and fall are the only real times I have here in NW Indiana to have a bowl or two, guess ill have to count on the lake, and dozens of layers to keep me from freezing.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 25, 2012
Cant smoke as much?? Its just getting nice in AZ, great outside now.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 28, 2012
We recently built a house and I was able to build "my room" in the basement. It's completely closed off (block walls) from the rest of the basement, except for the door and I had a large vent installed. My "better half" is okay with me smoking in there. Hell, sometimes she doesn't even know that I've been smoking...damn good vent I guess. Winter shouldn't affect my pipe enjoyment. Lol



Aug 31, 2015
I sit the winter out completely. I always miss smoking my pipes, but I wouldn't enjoy it shivering in the cold.

Everybody needs a fireplace. If you have a fire roaring, then what excuse is there for not smoking? Let "the" wife explain how a small fire in the small chamber is worse than the fire place. And, if you need a fire place... call my brother-in-law. He cuts firewood as well. I'll PM you his number. The farther away you live, the better. PM me for a number. :puffy:



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
I've been smoking in the garage over the last couple winters here in Alberta. It's not heated but it's pretty decent. Still nothing wrong with getting bundled up and heading outside if it's not too too cold though.
I'm looking at apartments right now for next month, so no more garage. Apartments that allow smoking aren't exactly plentiful either, so I'm not too sure what this winters piping will be like yet.
The house I grew up in had a wood burning fireplace. Man, I miss that thing! Wood burning fireplaces aren't too common these days, either, at least not around here.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
My work is predominantly outside so, change in my smoking routine no matter the weather. Up here we dress for the winter so no freezing or particular discomfort (Well, when we fall down we can't get up because of all the goose down. We just lay there like a beached whale until someone come along to either help us up or rolls us down the hill.)



Might Stick Around
Aug 29, 2016
Winters here in Moscow can range from decent frost (say, - 20°C, that is -4°F) to a humid "somewhere-around-zero" nonsense. God I miss the freezing winters...

I have no garage (or car for that matter), the rented apartment is out of the equation, smoking in public places is prohibited by law (yay for Russian legislation!), so I think I'll walk. :roll:

I'll see if I can get away with my cobs and briars, failing that I'll try clay, and if nothing works out I'll buy a Brylon.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 20, 2015
I does not get get frezing could around here, but it does get cold enough, I enjoy smoking when its winter, my pipe becomes my hand warmer, and plus its the perfect time to go fishing for flounder.



Can't Leave
Apr 26, 2016
It's a rented house, so, why can't you take a closed room, put one of those smoke grabbers in there that pulls smoke out of the air and purifies it? Then when you move, repaint the room as well? Do the owners have cameras in there or visit weekly to check the house? Maybe you need a different place.

Jul 28, 2016
Where ever I'm,forbidden or not, I prefer smoking indoors letting windows open,eventually allowing air flow draw smoke away

even if rental ageement describes smoking is prohibited,I dont bother,any tobacco tastes better indoors,this allows me sip and taste the smoke better.



Nov 13, 2012
I'm in NY near Poughkeepsie. I smoke in the basement but after the family goes to bed or if they aren't around I'll smoke in the living room and play on the Xbox.

Oct 3, 2016
beerandbaccy: Living in Indiana I can relate to your circumstance. I am fortunate that my father in law has a smoking room. I'll admit though that I spend at least an hour a day outside during winter. Sometimes with a propane heater at my feet, or with my feet beside a bonfire. Since you rent I'll assume that a bonfire isn't an option. Perhaps a propane heater is? If not search out a local tobacco shop. Surely there a decent smoking room that isn't to far of a drive away.

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