Training my wife has been a slow, involved process. I started by listening to the Pipesmagazine Radioshow, while she was a captive audience. Brian emits a natural pheromone over the airwaves that soothes the savage tobacco-nazi. Then, she picked up on some of the pipe jargon through osmosis of me listening to Brian and his guests banter. Then, I started asking her about which blends that she liked the smell of. Eventually, I took her to the Briary to have her smell different blends to get "wife-approved" blends that she would like me to smoke around her.
Now, there is a bit of gaslighting that you will need to do. Not the GLP tobacco, but the psychological midfuck that is refered to in old movies. My wife picked out several godawful aromatics that she said she liked, that no self-respecting pipesmoker would ever put in a custom made pipe. So, you have to quietly dump the aromatic into the garbage, and take it out to the road, or she will catch on. Put whatever blends that you like to smoke into the tin. Then if she complains about a blend, just show her the tin and tell her,
"funny, you picked this one out for me." or,
"You liked this one at the store." Her not liking something you smoke has to be her fault. You are smoking this, because she approved it.
"I only want to make you happy."
Make her feel included. But, maybe blame the pipe.
"Baby, sometimes it's the pipe you smell, and not the tobacco. I'll gladly smoke it in another pipe, if it will make you happy," then maybe put a less aromatic Virginia in another pipe, something you think she would like...
My wife gave me an ugly rusticated Nording bulldog years ago, that looked like a turd on a stick. When I smoke it, I always put a burley fart blend in it when I smoke it. When she snarls her nose...
"Baby, this is that blend that you picked out. It must be the pipe. This is the difference between a $70 pipe and a $300 pipe." The next Christmas, she gave me a Castello. I only smoke Virginas that she thinks she picked out that smelled like apricots in the tin in that pipe. She now loves Virginias and VaPers, and insists that I buy quality pipes.
It takes a while, but with some persistent mindfucking, she will soon be riding along side you in the car, requesting that you smoke Escudo in a top end Savinelli Autograph. Just keep old tins that she associates with something she once picked out, and constantly remind her that you are her knight in shining armor, smoking "only" to please her senses.
You'll get it, you just have to be persistent. :
