Wife Bought Me a New Pipe

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 16, 2013

It's a Savinelli petite 202. No filter. 5.5 inches long. Bowl is .720 x 1.26 deep and inside is uncoated. Should be perfect for the 30 minute flake smoke I prefer and will be by far the nicest pipe I've owned.
She says I've been a good boy. I can't wait to smoke it. Almost feel like I need to buy some nice clothes now to match. :)



Apr 1, 2013
That is one classy pipe!
One could say it is a "Dress Pipe".
Your wife has exquisite taste! You are a lucky man.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 16, 2013
Thanks guys.
It's funny. I was ogling this pipe while laying in bed next to my wife and told her I was going to buy it. She said, "No. You don't need it. You only smoke one pipe anyways." I said, "Fine, but someone else is going to buy it, and it will be forever gone, as I've never seen one like it." Anyhow, I agreed, and sulkily went outside to smoke a bowl of Condor.
When I got back, she says, "Well. You've been a very good boy lately, so you can buy the pipe." My wife has been bedridden for a while, dealing with pregnancy, and I've been making and bringing her every meal, and taking care of her. Even cancelled 3 hunting trips! So, yes, I've been pretty good.
Anyhow, I get all excited, and when I go to the smoking pipes website, I see that it has been sold! I'm completely distraught, and exclaim to my wife, "See! I told you someone would jump on it!"
At this point, she had an evil little smile, and I knew who had bought it!
I then asked her if she made sure to get me a tin of Hal O' the Wynd, to take advantage of the free shipping.
Oh well...you can't have everything....she said she thought about it, but didn't.
I think it's a really neat pipe. I tried to do a search to see if this model exists anywhere else, and have not been able to find, so it being somewhat rare is pretty cool, too!
I think this will be a pipe that I baby, take care of, clean meticulously, and rarely if ever take out of the house. I will also rest it if that's what the pipe needs. I also am not sure that I will put lakelands into it, but will probably stick to straight Virginia and Vaper flakes, ropes, and plugs, and of course burley as well. I want to keep the pipe fairly neutral. In other words, I will not treat this pipe like my others!
I don't have much of this type of tobacco, so I'm thinking I might buy some Best Brown at the local B&M to break it in. I'm also very interested in Hal O' the Wynd, as I hear so much good about it.
Hey- every guy should have that "Nice Pipe" that they prize, and this one will be it for me....if it's a good smoker, which I expect it to be.

Jan 8, 2013
Again, it's a very nice looking pipe :) I hope it smokes like a dream. And I haven't personally heard of Hal O' the Wynd so thank you for giving me something to look up on smokingpipes.com. :)



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
bryan, great looking pipe, very classy indeed. I am glad to hear you are going to take care of this one, be careful, it might just spoil you and you might have to take care of your other pipes now. lol



Oct 8, 2012
Congratulations on your gift. I hope all goes well for you and your wife related to the pregnancy. My niece had twins in July 2012 and was hospitalized for 4 months due to difficulty. I hope you enjoy your pipe for many years. Savinelli pipes are made well.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 22, 2013
You're a man after my own heart! I've got the Sav Petite rustic, but in the similar 112 shape on my wish list. A real beauty and having it come from a lady that obviously cares very much for you just makes it that much better!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 12, 2013
Congrats on the pipe! Good luck with the baby too boy or girl? Gonna save that pipe till their birth of go ahead and break it in? Congrats on everything again.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
That's a good choice -- especially for flake tobacco. That pipe would also be a good choice for smoking HOTW because the blend can fatigue the palate in larger pipes. I have two Sav's and they're both very good smokers.

BTW, I found another blend I know you would like: Peterson's Hyde Park. It's nice to make a purchase that isn't a "shot in the dark". :wink:



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 16, 2013
Thanks guys.
@Namuma. That 112 is a nice pipe! I just really wanted another straight pipe, even though a slight bent is honestly more comfortable to smoke for me. They also make a nice straight classic billiard in the black, rustic, petite line. In reality, this pipe is about a group 3, so it's not super tiny.
@Harris. I think you may be on to something...lol. I've always considered most of my pipes "beater" pipes. I'm already planning on buying waxes, and polishing cloths, etc....lol! Hey, you might convert me yet!
@Jeep Newbie. No way I can wait! She's only just barely pregnant, so don't know if boy or girl. I just know there's know way I can wait that long.
@Cortez. Thanks! I will try it out. You definitely know my tastes well. I recently bought some 3p perfect plug, and I really love it. I love how you can change the cut for how you feel, with a plug. I slice very thin, and rub into a shag, and it's a quicker, sweeter smoke. I slice thicker, and rub very coarse, and it's a bold stronger tasting smoke. Really good stuff. I will add some Hyde Park and Hal O' the Wynd to my next order! So far, I've only tried Irish Flake and the 3P, but I can say that I love both these Peterson blends.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 16, 2013
Well, after what seemed like a veeeerrrrryyy long wait, my pipe arrived. My first thought was that it was beautiful. Fit and finish is perfect. The stem is very comfortable, almost like a saddle bit. The mortise is not drilled too deep, and the draft hole is perfectly centered and right at the bottom of the bowl. To say the pipe is light is an understatement. Clenching is a dream.
After going back and forth over what to smoke for the first bowl, I settled on peterson perfect plug, as it burns slow and cool, yet I wanted a fine rub because I assumed, as is my experience, that a new pipe would have trouble staying lit, and I didn't want to relight multiple times and heat it up. Ended up being a good choice.
I have to admit that every time I read someone here saying they had a pipe that tasted good from the first bowl, I just thought their sense of taste must not be keen as mine. I hear by apologize for that thought, as that was my experience with this pipe. This is my first pipe in a few years with a natural finish bowl, and if this is the norm, I don't think I will be purchasing anything with a coating in the future. Simply amazing to me, though for most of you with many more years, and more wisdom than I, probably not surprising. I now wonder if this pipe will get even better once it has formed a cake. I think so. I think the lack of a pre-carbon coating is only part of it, but a big part.
I now have my Sunday best pipe, and can highly recommend this line. It took me an hour to finish that bowl, smoking very slowly, and the hour went by almost too quickly, as I enjoyed it right to the bottom.

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