Well, my story is a little different than most, but its the truth.
Up until 2011, I was an avid anti-smoker, having grown up around friends that were all cigarette addicts. My parents didn't smoke, but both my sisters did heavily. I had a pretty bad idea of smoking, hated it. I didn't really know anything about cigars, or pipes, my feelings came from cigarettes.
Later, I watched a movie, called "National Treasure". One of the important items in the movie was a meerschaum pipe. I thought the name sounded interesting and was surprised at how it was carved. So, over the next year or so, I started learning about meerschaum, history, where its made, learning about pipe styles and just anything I could find. Even found video's on YouTube showing meerschaum stone being mined in Turkey. I still didn't smoke, and didn't have any plans to start.
Eventually I started poking around on eBay and was amazed at the amount of meerschaum pipes there.
One good thing I learned early in my research, was about compressed meerschaum pipes made from carving scraps. I was always weary of eBay pipes, wondering if its block or compressed. Although compressed meerschaum pipes are made out of the correct material, since its ground up and glued together, the stone has almost no absorbent ability, and probably won't color at all, or if it did, very uneven.
Later I discovered the pipe smoking community on YouTube, and several pipe smoking forums, like this one. What I read impressed me, how the members really enjoyed the smoking experience, how they generally were not in it for the nicotine addiction. I read how meerschaum pipes actually reduce the nicotine in the smoke by absorbing it. Read about different tobacco's, flavors, and cuts. Things like tongue bite, and how to pack a pipe.
Around that time I was looking on eBay and found a pipe that I just loved. We talk about a pipe singing to you, while that one did.. lol. I watched it for a while, it wasn't selling, price was too high I guess. It got re-listed twice, and finally I decided to take the plunge and bought it. When it arrived I loved it, just a beautifully carved antique meerschaum with amber stem. After having it for a while, I decided I wanted to try smoking it. I went to my local tobacconist, who really was a cigarette shop, but had a teeny section for pipes. I got a few of the blends they had, just drugstore types like Captain Black Royal, Half & Half, Prince Albert, Middleton Cherry, and Carter Hall. After cleaning the bowl thoroughly, I tried small half bowls of them in my new-old meerschaum. I liked the PA, the CH, and the CB-R. I didn't really like H&H, seemed too strong, and the MC, well, I couldn't taste cherry at all. lol
So that was the start of my pipe smoking, I got a few others pipes eventually, have six meerschaums now. I have since also tried some tinned tobacco, and a very nice house blend that I really enjoyed called Bill's Blend. A friend on YouTube sent me the Bill's Blend, love the smoothness on it, and great room note. Since then I have decided that I will enjoy my pipes regularly, and I don't regret buying any of them.
I'm glad I could join the excellent pipe smoking community online and on forums like this one. When I can I try to share my knowledge about meerschaums, especially to others I meet that want to get one, but haven't done all the research I have. If a few comments can help them not damage their meer, and enjoy it for a lifetime, then its surely worth it.
Usually I smoke a bowl every 1 to 3 days. Although I have read a lot about briar, morte, or other wood pipes, including watching them being made, styles, and reading countless comments on them, I have never smoked one. I also tried a cigar recently, and although it was good, and I enjoyed it, the cost stunned me. So, I'm not getting into cigars. Pipes will be where I focus. I still hate cigarettes, and view them as contaminated, addictive, chemical laced trash compared to the quality pipe tobacco we have.
Just my 2 cents for this nice thread... well, more like 15 cents! lol.