Why Such High Cost on Some Pipes?

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Jul 30, 2016
Vegas Baby!!!
This thread doesn't need popcorn, it needs an enema.
Ruscho, I'll say it. I don't believe you. I think you are just upset about some weird confluence of jealousy and wraith.
If you don't want a certain pipe, don't buy it, but pissing on others choices is poor form and proves you to be a uncouth, boorish and unhinged human.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Over the years I've often met people who wonder, "Why would anyone spend that kind of money on that?" First, what business is it of theirs? Why the need to even make a comment. Secondly, I see such as envious more often than not. I never used the word "hate." Please, parse more carefully.
I'll not address what I've spent on a particular pipe, other than to say it was bent and very conservative in shape. Absurd is only in the eye of the beholder. It's the generalities what make it hard to follow your posts. They certainly are not linear not, that they need to be. Linear is simply easier to follow.
I, personally, have never felt the need to comment on how others spend their moneys. Nor, would I make a derogatory comment regarding a person's choice in shape of their pipes. Never felt the need since I achieved adult status in both body and mind. So, if I was in attendance, not everyone would make or form a snide or cruel comment.
I suspect the majority of members here would want to look over the "horn", maybe wonder at it, grade the workmanship and materials. While not my cup of tea, I can still respect the craftsmanship while observing that such is not for me. I do not expect everyone to have my tastes in pipes. But, if I saw a smoker thoroughly enjoying such a whimsical pipe, I'd envy him his whimsy.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Over $1,000 pipes are almost always synonymous with absurd pipe shapes. Sorry you find it hard to follow
Gratuitous insults now. The only thing hard to follow is your conclusions, as well as statements such as quoted above.
And I agree to a large extent what warren and others indicate: I'd not begrudge anyone spending any amount on a pipe I find absurd, and would not choose to own. FWIW, I've seen images of pipes that are equally unattractive to me, but made with skill and love, costing less than $100.



Can't Leave
Aug 3, 2017
ruscho, with no disrespect meant, but your examples do not hold true.
>The OP specifically talked about $5,000 pipes, and my point was, that that's what a $5,000 pipe looks like (the pipe above sells for $4,999). Over $1,000 pipes are almost always synonymous with absurd pipe shapes. Sorry you find it hard to follow



Can't Leave
Aug 3, 2017
sorry, I typed a reply and got interrupted.
A basic straight sand blast Brandy shape made by, Jess, Lars, Former, and a few other carvers will cost you over $1000.00 and some much higher. Now you can't say that shape is attention grabbing. It is not unusual or strange. Without looking at the nomenclature 90% of the pipe smokers around would not even know who carved the pipe.
An unusual shape does not always equal a high asking price.
As for the Bruce Weaver blow fish, which you suggest has a blemish. Or maybe ( and most likely ) it was a carefully placed plateau section that accentuates the shape. One mans trash is another treasure. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Michael J. Glukler



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 8, 2014
The OP asked for my opinion and I gave it to him.

I'm not afraid to say what I think and I KNOW many pipe smokers agree with me, even if they are too "polite" to say it.
I've been visiting this forum probably twice as long than I have been a member and I am aware of the circle-jerk in 99% of the forum threads. I know some people see me as rude, but I am just honest, surprising how many adult men take offense to honesty and a grown-up language.
I also know that of the dozen or so regulars on this forum, maybe a couple own a pipe worth more than a grand. And they are folks like Russ and Pease. So I don't understand where all this love for overly-expensive useless pipes comes from.
Yes, I judge people. But so do all of you. I am just honest about it.
Warren, you need to get down from your high horse and see how you were quick to judge people simply based on your own perception of their MONETARY wealth:

Many people look at items they cannot afford then, fail to realize that they are not the target of the seller. If they do realize such, they often resent that expensive items should be available for those who can afford such. And then, begin to resent those who buy the costly pipes.

I recommend you read The Millionaire Next Door, it could only help.
Aaaanyway, to sum up:
People who buy $1,000+ pipes are snobs. There aren't that many of them, because the same pipes have been for sale on the websites for many, many years.

This is my opinion given to the OP's question "What are your thoughts to some of these pipes?"

Like it, don't like it, at least there was some discussion to break the usual "Yeah, me too" 10-post thread.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 8, 2014
As for the Bruce Weaver blow fish, which you suggest has a blemish. Or maybe ( and most likely ) it was a carefully placed plateau section that accentuates the shape. One mans trash is another treasure. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Aahh, I almost started to like you and then you post something like this. Come on, man, no one would destroy a perfect birds eye to "carefully place plateau section that accentuates the shape", can we just be a little bit honest here?! We all know it was a blemish in the grain, why do we have to even attempt to make it something that it isn't?
I agree with your earlier examples, though, which is why I carefully used "almost always" in my original comment.

Jan 8, 2013
I'm just here for the entertainment...



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
I'm not afraid to say what I think and I KNOW many pipe smokers agree with me, even if they are too "polite" to say it.
Really? Can you tell me which number I'm thinking of? By the way, wherever did you buy that gaudy turban. You must be a turban snob to have such a gaudy turban like that one. And that crystal ball is noting more than frozen snot. Who are you trying to kid?
Aahh, I almost started to like you and then you post something like this. Come on, man, no one would destroy a perfect birds eye to "carefully place plateau section that accentuates the shape", can we just be a little bit honest here?! We all know it was a blemish in the grain, why do we have to even attempt to make it something that it isn't?
I will say that I admire your forthright admission that you know zilch about briar and even less than zilch about design. No wonder you are an angry snob. Where ignorance is bliss you'll be having an orgasm.
This is my opinion given to the OP's question "What are your thoughts to some of these pipes?"



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I've never owned a horse over sixteen hands.
It's not a matter of an opinion being right or wrong, they are that, simply opinions. It's when one words their opinions in such a certain way... Well, enough said. The idea that briarblues is dishonest based on your reading of a simple observation is way over the line.
Pass the pop corn please.



Mar 7, 2013
Aahh, I almost started to like you and then you post something like this. Come on, man, no one would destroy a perfect birds eye to "carefully place plateau section that accentuates the shape", can we just be a little bit honest here?! We all know it was a blemish in the grain, why do we have to even attempt to make it something that it isn't?
Sorry, WE do not "all know."
Artfully incorporating one or more of a briar block's boundary surfaces is exceedingly difficult to do well. It "locks" the position in space where the shape must be, and eliminates many shaping options. Also, using too much or too little of it ends up looking forced instead of natural. It's nothing like a "rescue switch" to save a flawed block.
Put another way, I'd say you know precious little about pipe making, Mr. Ruscho, but enjoy talking out of your ass too much to care. It's the sound itself you're in love with, I think. :lol:

Jan 8, 2013
Come on, man, no one would destroy a perfect birds eye to "carefully place plateau
I would and have. As have many other pipe makers far more skilled than I.... but whatever. Think of it like this... some people like the look of plateau on their pipes, while others really like the look of the birdseye grain that hides underneath that plateau. Some people like both. So why wouldn't a pipe maker artfully keep some plateau on a smooth pipe to show both? Best of both worlds in my opinion.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
georged: Well said. He may be attracted to the echo due to the placement of his head.
The pop corn could use a wee bit more popcorn. Any soda in fridge? I suspect we are all too soon to see the end of the show. Damn! :cry:


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Chasing, I'm sorry but your Weaver does not fit in the category I was talking about. To be honest, I'd be a bit disappointed about the blemish. He has a really beautiful blowfish, blemish-free, for $600 right now. I'd pay this price for that gorgeous pipe in a heartbeat!
The plateau was left intentionally, and it was $750.

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