It is interesting reading everyone's opinions, but I feel that a lot of statements are painting aromatics with a broad brush.
I have smoked A LOT of different blends over my years of smoking a pipe and a lot of them have been aromatics.
Aromatics like all other kind of tobacco (as well as most other things like wine, beer, and food) have good blends and some not so good blends.
I have smoked some drug store brand aro's that I found quite pleasant and I have also smoked blends that were made by bigger well known pipe tobacco manufacturers that I found to be lacking or simply not very good at all.
Tastes, and even flavors, are very subjective. I have smoked tobacco (cigars and pipe) that others love, but I didn't care for in the least and there has been tobaccos that I love that others hate.
I do agree with Chasingembers that smoking aromatics and getting the most out of the experience requires more time, technique, and more of a learning curve.
I believe that some of the reasons that most people try aromatics at the beginning are;
-memories of the room note of a relative or someone else's pipe smoke when they were younger
-the aroma of the tobacco in the jar/tin
-the overall conception of what most people who have not smoked a pipe before think what pipe tobacco is
To get the most flavors out of tobacco, you want the smoke to be as cool as possible. The same is true for cigars. For those of you who smoke them, next time try to take very small puffs. Almost like sipping on the cigars instead of large puffs that create a lot of smoke. I have done this and I can taste a lot more flavors in the cigar. The same is even more true for pipes.
I believe that this is why a lot of people tend to go for more boldly flavored tobacco (ex: Latakia in pipes and Corojo in cigars). Because it doesn't require a lot of technique to get flavors from it. Don't forget that Latakia is an aromatic tobacco. It is flavored from the smoke from the burning wood.
This is why, in my opinion, so may people get tongue bite from aromatics. They are puffing too hard and too often searching for the flavor profile. By doing this it heats up the tobacco too much causing bitterness, bite, too much moisture, etc.
I find it very difficult to believe that all of the people who smoked Middleton Cherry, Mixture 79 and all of the the other misc. cherry and flavored blends up until the 1970's or so before all of the "artisan type" blends became more widespread, as suffering through endless bite with no enjoyment. Who would someone smoke a pipe for 50 years and suffer tongue bite everyday and no enjoyment? They had to enjoy it or they would have stopped smoking pipes.
Don't get me wrong, there are some bad aromatics out there. But there are also bad VA, VA/Per, and Latakia blends as well.
I think aromatics get a bad wrap because a lot of people think that if you smoke them then you are not an experienced pipe smoker. If that is the case I guess I'm very inexperienced :lol: .
If you don't like aro's and never smoke them, that's great. If you love them and smoke them exclusively, that's great too.
Smoke what you like and like what you smoke.