I have been looking for an excuse to mention this review, and I guess this is as good a thread as any. I bought a couple of tins of HH Vintage Syrian that I got around to smoking last week.
I thought this was a perfect review of this great blend, as it has lots of comparisons to things I am very familiar with:
"This is a smooth, lightly wine and creamy, fairly smoky, woody, earthy, leathery Syrian Latakia dominant blend; well balanced by the other ingredients. The Kentucky is noticeable here and there, and adds a pleasing woody, earthy, herbal, vegetative, light nutty burley and floral note, with a hint of spice that takes a back seat in the latter department to the dry, sweet and sour, woody, earthy, floral, herbal, incense-like Oriental and Turkish components. Quality light and dark Virginias give a solid base to the blend, adding the tart and tangy citrus and a tangy stewed dark fruitiness one would expect from them, as well as some earth, wood, bread and a touch of grass. I am surprised that a Balkan with this much Latakia is not a lat-bomb. Smokey and woodsy, it is like a better, bolder version of Gawith's Squadron Leader without the hay taste, but with a more pleasing naturally sweet Virginia base, and light spice. The strength is almost medium, while the taste is medium. The nic-hit is a slot behind the strength level. Won't bite or get harsh even if pushed, though it does have a few small rough edges. The components are well balanced, resulting in a very consistent tasting mixture that burns even, clean and cool. Requires few relights. Leaves very little dampness in the bowl. Has a pleasantly lingering after taste and lightly stronger room note. It's almost an all day experience for smokers who want a semi-complex mild to medium English blend. Your friends will smell it, and think you've started a campfire in your den."