I know ebay is not the preferred source for pipes for some, but an auction that starts at 0 and sells at the best price someone will bid for it at a certain time has advantages over pipe retailers. Don't get me wrong, I've bought from them before and will do so again, but I've picked up an estate Kevin Arthur and Bertram Safferling for about a third of what I would have paid at a retailer. There's nothing better than a pipe that cost me $50.00 when I would have paid three or four times that amount of smokingpipes.
Yes, you have to know what you're doing, and yes, I only buy from ebay vendors that have a sterling reputation; and yes, there's always the chance that someone with more money to spend can outbid me, while if I want something from a retailer it's mine, but these savings outweigh the disadvantages, at least to me.