I recently purchased two pipes from Paulo Becker on a visit to Rome. They are perfection itself, perfectly drilled and engineered. But then again I paid over $800 for the two of them. Would you seriously expect to pay under $100 and get a pipe of the same quality? On the other hand many of the factory produced pipes are produced on machinery that has been well tuned over the years and so the pipes will be perfectly drilled. Of course, that says nothing about the quality of the briar the pipe is made from in the first place. So it really comes down to the old adage "you get what you pay for." On the other hand, Stanwell is still a decent pipe, so is Savinelli, and for that matter so is Dr. Grabow. Mr. Borg makes a very good pipe for a price that's almost silly. So it isn't a briar? Big deal. It's still a very good pipe, and you're going to enjoy it. Let's stop knocking Mr. Brog. He makes good pipes. If you want a pure briar, and you are committed to spending more, by all means go ahead and have a ball, but you're still going to get a fine smoking pipe from Mr. Brog, and you'll end up spending a lot less. I have my Paolo Becker originals, and I have my Missouri Meerschaums, and both give me truly great smokes. That's what I'm looking for.