Because our culture makes women believe that their only value is in their physical beauty... Then they get old and panic. In other words, modern feminism missed it's mark
Nothing sadder than an old hoe...
It's not society, it's just biology. Once a woman is past menopause, it doesn't matter how fit or young she looks, there is an ineffable hollowness to her aura. Both men and women understand this on a subconscious level, even if we don't consciously realize it or want to admit to it. Of course, we are not just animals, we are also souls, so there is this paradox that our souls still can provide a glow, but it's different, less basic/raw, more ethereal.
Like using opium to reach nirvana on the cheap, to attempt to actualize transendence by throwing around money never ends up working out well.
It's late, and I know the above is convoluted, but I'm not going to write a 10,000 word essay on this. Just throwing out a few dots to connect, as one pleases.