Why do We Smoke Pipes?

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Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
I stumbled upon this interesting discussion on why we smoke pipes, and I couldn't help but share my own thoughts on the matter. Pipe smoking, for me, is a multi-faceted experience that goes beyond a mere act of inhaling smoke. It's a ritual, a moment of tranquility, and a gateway to a world of flavors and contemplation.

First and foremost, the ritualistic nature of pipe smoking is incredibly appealing. From the careful selection of the tobacco blend to the packing, lighting, and tending of the bowl, each step is imbued with a sense of mindfulness and intention. It's a process that forces us to slow down in our fast-paced lives, allowing us to savor each moment and create a space for introspection.

One of the aspects I love most about pipe smoking is the wide range of flavors and aromas that can be found in different tobacco blends. It's like embarking on a sensory journey with every puff. Whether it's a rich and smoky Latakia blend, a sweet and fruity aromatic, or a smooth and creamy Virginia tobacco, there's a blend out there to suit every mood and occasion. Exploring this vast array of flavors is a never-ending adventure, always leading to new discoveries.

Another reason why pipe smoking holds a special place in my heart is the sense of community it fosters. The camaraderie among pipe smokers is truly unique. Whether it's sharing tips and tricks, discussing favorite blends, or simply enjoying a smoke together, there's a sense of connection and camaraderie that transcends geographical boundaries. The online pipe community, like this forum, allows us to engage with fellow enthusiasts, learn from their experiences, and share our own. It's a beautiful way to connect with like-minded individuals and build lasting friendships.

, I can't help but mention the sheer aesthetic pleasure that pipe smoking brings. There's something undeniably elegant and timeless about a well-crafted pipe, with its graceful curves and exquisite finishes. Holding a pipe in hand, with the gentle wisp of smoke rising from the bowl, is a visual delight that never fails to captivate me.

Pipe smoking is so much more than a simple habit. It's a meditative ritual, an exploration of flavors, a sense of community, and an appreciation for craftsmanship. If you're curious about the allure of pipe smoking, I encourage you to give it a try. Who knows, you might discover a new passion and embark on an enriching journey like many of us have.

Happy puffing, my friends


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 30, 2023
Somerset WI
The one thing nearly all pipe smokers have in common is the desperate need to make everything and anything as complicated as possible...which may be the very trait that attracted us to the pipe to begin with, because it's certainly the most complicated method of tobacco consumption.

That's really good, but here's my favorite Rube Goldberg machine ever from OKGO


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I actually knew you were going to say that
Of course.:(

I stuck with it because it's not only less expensive than cigars, but I get better, more complex flavor from pipe smoking.
I stuck with it mainly due to being mostly hands free, less fiddly smoking with little attention needed.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 10, 2023
I think pipe smokers have the courage to also stand out. I tried pipe smoking with around 22 or so. I love sherlock holmes and liked nikotin.
Although I did not yet have the patience for it. After I inherited a collection of old pipes of my uncle I was fascinated by it but still not really rdy. At some point with now 37 it clicked . I love refurbish the old pipes learn the history of the different brands. Learning about different tobacco different blends packing and so on. And I still got a long way to go which I enjoy.
The smoking itself is way more then nikotin but makes me calm and relaxed through the slow speed.
I actually guess that many pipe smoker are what we call in German "schoengeist" enjoying niches may it be music art literature history and so on. And love to go into details. Well at least this is how I am :D


Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 11, 2020
I've smoked cigars and cigarettes and now pipes.

I find cigarettes nasty. I've smoked RYO and "tailor made". Quick, accessible, and no fuss but just not enjoyable.

Cigars are delicious. However, time consuming and not well smoked when doing activities. Also not tolerant to being put out and resmoked.

Pipes are similar to cigars with the delicious tobacco, but can be clenched when doing stuff and relighting is not an issue if a few hours pass.

Plus, there's a appeal to having a pipe that I like (appearance wise) as a clothing accessory similar to a nice watch or tie, etc.
I smoke for the taste and for the style/accessory. Seldom for the nicotine but once in a while I like a good strong tobacco that makes my head spin.


May 8, 2020
I basically just love smoking. I was a heavy cigarette smoker for a long time and found that I wanted to sit and relax with a smoke for longer than a cigarette would last. Never really got into cigars. I woke up one morning and decided that I was going to be a pipe smoker. A majority of my friends are heavily involved in the craft beer world, and as someone who worked in that industry for nearly 20 years, it seemed too much like work for my taste, and I've found that pipe smoking has a lot of similarities with the craft beer world, except pipe smokers are way less obnoxious and elitist.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 12, 2017
I smoke a pipe simply for the fact that I enjoy the whole process. I usually choose a tobacco, then a pipe.

I examine my tobacco, and begin to prepare it, to see if I need to let it dry a little, or if it's ready to go. I prepare it on a leather mat, or a round paper plate, carefully in a almost ritualistic-like way, (Time Permitting).

I then load my pipe, and begin the actual lighting and smoking process.

To me the whole process, from start to finish, is something that begins a relaxation process.

I enjoy the smell, preparation, taste, and nicotine hit, I just enjoy the whole process.

...Besides....It's cheaper than Prozac... rotf


Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 11, 2020
I've yet to find a tobacco that makes my head spin and I've smoked some tobaccos on an empty stomach (because I basically fast 22 hours/day) that others have warned about.

Yeah. I can be a lightweight. If I drink too much coffee too late at night I can’t sleep either.
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May 23, 2023
My grandfather died a couple of summers ago. I realized he was the only person I've ever known to smoke a pipe, and I thought that was a shame. Last year on the anniversary of his death I decided to carry on the tradition of pipe smoking in his memory. He was never anywhere without a pipe hanging from his mouth and that's the thing I remember about him.

Using fragments of memories from childhood, my parents, and internet research I figured out he smoked middleton's cherry out of a Dr. Grabow Billiard. I can't smoke as much as he did and I'll likely never be as practiced but I enjoy the hobby in my own way.

Sorry for any weird formatting. My cheap phone hates this site for some reason.


Might Stick Around
May 18, 2023
I picked up the pipe when my 40th birthday drew near and I realized my entire life passed by without trying a good cigar. Kid of the 90s thoroughly trained to hate all things tobacco, yet I started noticing that many of my influences from today, and years passed were great men who smoked a cigar or a pipe. Contemporaries like Malcolm Guite, and past legends like GKC enjoyed their pipes, so i figured there must be something to it. After my 2nd cigar, the mathematics of the hobby were ominous, and some random youtube video pointed out the cost effective comparison of pipes. My first smoke was down right awful, but men have done this for centuries indicating that pipe perseverance would yield rewards.
I continue to enjoy my pipe today because I love the artistry of a well made pipe, the taste of quality tobacco, and the calm that comes after a good smoke. Throw some connection to history in there, the masculine nature of the hobby, and a good community, and it seems to me like you have a hobby that is vastly worth enjoying!


Can't Leave
Oct 29, 2022
Title edited for caps. And most of us are not that strange!

Pipe smokers are a small, strange group. Why do we like it?

For me, much of the enjoyment boils down to the experience of focus, relaxation and peace that comes along with process, ritual and tools.

To smoke a pipe requires tools and a knowledge of how to use and maintain them. It entails a process which takes time to learn and perfect. It spawns rituals before, during and after the smoke.

Finally, it creates a perpetual treasure hunt for the next trophy or experience - whether that's the next new pipe, the next great tobacco, a new rack or case of jars because of those first two, the perfect "down to white ash" smoke, etc.

I value all these elements as much if not more than the actual act of smoking. Also, I think I'm smarter when I smoke my pipe 😁

Why do you like pipe smoking?
So many reasons: I feel like I am transported to my favorite place that I'll never be able to visit whenever I light up: Middle Earth. I also feel like I am carrying on a legacy my dad, grandpa, and others before me have started.