I know some of you were smoking pipes in the cradle, but many of us started a little later in life. I didn't smoke a pipe until after I had graduated college, been in the Navy, and in grad school, and gotten married. I never smoked cigarettes regularly, and I enjoyed cigars just on occasion. But I avoided pipes. Why? I didn't want to seem to mimic my dad who was a regular pipe smoker. I didn't want to seem to aspire to be my professors who smoked pipes. But I finally started smoking a pipe after my late wife and i bought our first house. She smoked a lot of cigarettes, and I didn't want to do that, but I bought a pipe and tobacco at the local Tinder Box and got to enjoy it. It would have been fun to smoke in the Navy, maybe aboard ship when the smoking lamp was lighted. The guys who perpetually bummed cigarettes off others wouldn't have bothered me, and it would have been an individualistic thing to do when people were in uniform and had the same haircuts. Why didn't you start sooner, and how did you start?