My parents both chain smoked when I was a kid. I hated it.
Then, when I was 13, my friend and I bought a pack of smokes and dove in. At that point, it seemed almost natural.
In the army, late 80's one could get a CARTON of generics at the commissary for just under $6, so I kept puffing away. Mandated daily physical training allowed me to skirt the more immediate effects for a long time.
After the service, when I had to pay civilian prices, I switched to hand rolled smokes, Drum and American Spirit.
After 30 years, the second half without the intense physical activity, the effects began catching up to me. I began inserting filters when the angina pains began, but I was beginning to see the writing on the wall.
Vaping had gained much ground and I looked into it. I went to an overpriced shop staffed by a knowledgeable owner who helped me to find a vape device suitable for tobacco replacement therapy.
After a false start or two, I made the transition. Within a month or two, the chest pains subsided and my blood pressure dropped a few points. I could climb stairs again without feeling like poo. I could even smell things again (not ALWAYS benefit...)
With cigarettes, I had to have one every hour or so or else I'd be a crank in withdrawal. With the vape, even with high nicotine levels, I found myself sitting it down for longer and longer between uses. I determined that the nicotine was not nearly as addictive as the cumulative cocktail of whatever big tobacco had been selling me.
I did that for 2 1/2 years.
One form of vape juice is made with an extraction from real tobacco, to get the natural tobacco flavors instead of some chemist's interpretation. I began looking into that, which led me to buy a small box of cigars from P&C. Soon after my P&C order was the ordeal where P&C changed their website and caused a run of customer service errors. They sent blanket $50 coupons to everyone who had ordered during a particular window of time, which included me.
With $50 to blow and no real plan, I decided to try a pipe. i bought a tiny Baraccini "pocket pipe" and some John Cotton's tins. I was immediately taken in by the array of flavors and overall experience of the pipe.
Like many, I ended up here in seeking self improvement and the rest of you have suffered the consequences ever since....