Why did you pick up the pipe?

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May 4, 2012
Managed to quit my 30 a day fag habit a couple of years ago, but really missed the quiet time going for a smoke gave me. Pipe smoking struck me as a much more classy and unaddictive form of tobacco. It appears I was right!



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2012
Both father & grandfather smoked pipes (Briggs tobacco), so there was always a pipe chest full of these totally fascinating briars to examine. In High school a friend and I both bought english sport cars (MGA & triumph). Along with that we both started smoking pipes, (strange little subculture). But ya know I really didn't start enjoying the pipe until I got off the hell burnin aromatics and discovered english baccys, which was only 20 years ago. At age 65, its now a hobby, pastime and pleasure to have a great pipe collection and great tobaccos. Smoke only virginia periques (VAPER) , Proper English



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 14, 2010
Over the years i'd noticed that smokers get more breaks at work. Cigarettes'll kill you,and don't have enough time to commit to a cigar.

This is just one of many reasons.

Jul 15, 2011
Fresh out of High School, all my friends were smoking cigarettes at the time and I absolutely hated the smell. I used to go down to the local B&M with my father who has been an ardent cigarette smoker since he was a teenager. He used to take me with him to the B&M to buy cartons of cigarettes because that's where they were the cheapest. One day, we walked in and there was a man smoking a pipe in the corner of the room. He said nothing and just stared at the tobacco counter, but I remember the aroma of the smoke coming from his pipe was absolutely amazing. I think he was smoking some Captain Black of one ilk or another. After I saw the pipe and smelled the aroma, I told myself that I wanted to learn how to do that. Picked up a Dr. Grabow about 3 months later and never looked back.

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
When I was a kid I remember the sweet smell of the tobacco from the shop (TinderBox type store) in the mall. I've always loved the smell of a pipe, and have always wanted to smoke a pipe. I've smoked cigars off and on for about 10 years, but steadily the last 3 years. Being cigars are an expensive hobby and wanting to mix things up a little bit I decided to purchase my first pipe just over a year ago. I've since gone on to purchase several more and I'm currently exploring the vast varieties of pipe tobacco.
First Pipe: Czech made quarter bent billard basket pipe

First Tobacco: 1Q



Dec 3, 2011
Pleasanton, CA

Is my money good here? :lol:
I picked up the pipe because first, cigarettes were kicking my ass, my blood pressure went up and getting around sucked. Very observant, I am fat. :wink: My cigarettes got snuffed out, because my lungs were begging for mercy.
I gave cigars a shot for a while, and they were actually usually good smokes, I kicked it around my local B&M and dropped a bunch of money there.
But I start smoking a pipe because I like tobacco, and bar none and price not a consideration, pipe tobacco is the best there is. An old friend gave me the nudge in this direction back in 2000, which led me to take learning about seriously just last year.
I will admit also that watching the Lord of the Rings movies helped a lot with the setting the right mood for smoking a pipe. there's something a bit timeless about Tolkien
My first pipe was a Doc Grabow Grand Duke, that is for certain, but I'm afraid my first tobacco is a "whatsername", a bargain Cavendish or Burley from Walgreens.
My taste has improved considerably from those days.



Apr 17, 2012
I smoked cigs for many many years (sometimes pipe) and finally for health and cost reasons I quit and didn't smoke anything at all for over 20yrs.

About 4yrs ago some past and present events in my life were creating stresses that I just couldn't seem to get off my mind. So I decided I should try the pipe to give me something to focus on and enjoy while at the same time try to relax.

Well here I am 4yrs later, enjoying the hobby, enjoying the variety of tobacco types and flavours, enjoying discussions with people like yourselves, and most of all I can completely remove myself from the world when I slip into the zone while smoking a full bowl and just RELAX.



Might Stick Around
May 1, 2012
some great stories :puffy: seems like just about everyone used it to kick fags or because family/friends inspired them



May 6, 2012
When I was a wee boy I lived in a row of houses with high walled back gardens. Never knew when my old neighbour was gardening until the lovely pipe aroma drifted over the wall. I made my decision " when i'm old enough i'll smoke a pipe" Smoked cigs too many years! thankfully i'm "old" enough now



Might Stick Around
Jan 16, 2012
Sherlock Holmes IS my hero even before I can notice about the opposite sex.
Need to say more?
Forget to add.... Elementary.......



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 8, 2012
X 2 for the Sherlock Holmes influence. I read every SH story as a teenager, and being a bit of an outcast eccentric already, the pipe seemed like a good fit. I was also enamored with the beauty of pipes, they are like the shapely forms of beautiful women. Seems like my pipe was a novel hit at parties in high school and college. I eventually switched to roll yer owns and then quit entirely. I am not sure what has revived my current interest.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 29, 2011
I bought an estate pipe in the third grade because I thought it would make me better at rts games. The smell of the bowl convinced me to give it a try, so I did. (When I was 17)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 6, 2011
Marietta, Ohio
I started smoking a pipe because of my woman....whether she likes to admitt it or not. We were at a get together that my family puts on for one of our towns festivals. One of my dads friends was outside smoking a cigar when the sent caught her nose. She then mentioned that she's always liked the smell of pipe tobacco and when I asked her what she just said and she repeated it, I told that it was settled then, I'm getting a pipe. A week later we were getting together with some friends to go out to dinner then back to their house to sit around their new fire pit. What time better than this. So we stoped by a local store that sells pipes(be it MM cobs and over priced Grabows' only), bought one along with some pipe tobacco and the rest is history. And that was only 9 months ago.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 24, 2010
My dad smoked a pipe when I was younger, so, I have the sense memory of Captain Black filling our house, which might have something to do with it.
But mostly, a couple years ago (at the ripe old age of 42, after never having smoked anything all my life), I figured it was high time I had a vice.
And since I had already ridden motorcycles for a few years in my thirties (and gave it up) and dated a string of crazy women my whole life (and gave that up), I thought I would try something that doesn't have the potential to kill me as quickly as those two will.
Who knows, if I had taken up the pipe at a younger age, I might have avoided all those dangerous activities!
In any case, I'm glad I did. It has made me a lot of new friends (good ones, at that) and has broadened my horizons in a way that few things have.



May 8, 2012
I quit smoking cigs 9 years ago. My best friend smokes a pipe we spend a lot of time together riding motorcycles
and taking trips together I have always loved pipes my older brother smoked pipes for awhile maybe that started
it.My friend advised me to get a low buck Dr grabow he gave me some tobacco,cleaners and a nail for packing and I
havent looked back 3 years ago.



Sep 23, 2009
I was in a play my Freshman year of college and the character had to smoke on stage. The TD went out and got me a yellowbowl and some Carter Hall and told me to practice until it looked natural. That was 24 years ago and I have been practicing ever since.





May 10, 2012
I started smoking them as a cheaper alternative to Cigars. Then I started really like them. They're a different slope altogether. they both have their place now.

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