Let me answer some questions here. First off it's James not Jason.
To clairify, www.thepipetool.com has no affiliation from a once paid for app of the same name out on the itunes store that is no longer supported and has some proprietary database that we have no way of extracting the data or importing.
One of the reasons why I wanted to do a web application was exactly that reason - because far too many phone apps come and go that have proprietary databases that are stored on your phone that you can't access from your desktop computer and when you upgrade your phone you loose all your data on the app. I wanted to create a web app that you could access from your desktop, phone, ipad etc.
You can currently import your cellar from tobaccocellar.com - P&T foundations is something I'm not familiar with - but if you can put your cellar in the same format as tobaccocellar.com export file it should import into thepipetool. Now some have asked about ability to import pipes - that's something we'll be exploring in the future.
The question about having a brand and a blend pre-populate with contents/flavors etc. is something we are currently working on. We have some 6000 brands and blends, so you can imagine its no small task trying to tie all the content together but we did a survey to all the beta users to see what the next large feature request was - and it was just that so its on our docket and we're currently working on it.
To the user who mentioned LHS as a brand - you can add any brand you want to the database by simply typing the name in the box, if we don't have a match, save it anyway and it goes to the admin section where we can approve it for the future. Also Bakelite is being added to the stem material section.
Thanks for the feedback, please keep it coming - submit bugs and feature requests on the site so I can keep track of them, we're continually working on the site and adding new features as we go.