Who's Really Behind That Blend...?

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Jan 25, 2019
Philadelphia Suburbs, Pennsylvania
Profoundly true, a guy schooled me on 1Q at a cafe when I asked what he was smoking and I was so new I hadn't heard of it and he told me about how it was probably the #1 smoked blend in America and then told me what it was called as a house blend at every tobacco shop within 20 miles.

Many former Tinder Box employees - wow, remember when those were in the mall !!! - have posted on the interwebs at various times that TB's Wilshire was indeed Lane Ltd.'s 1-Q renamed.

Here's a link which reveals what many of the Tinderbox 'house blends' really were - no warranties of accuracy of information expressed or implied - Interesting reading...

TinderBox Revealed

Entertaining reading even for those who don't smoke aromatics. - Sherm Natman
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Dec 8, 2020
East Coast USA
Many former Tinder Box employees - wow, remember when those were in the mall !!! - have posted on the interwebs at various times that TB's Wilshire was indeed Lane Ltd.'s 1-Q renamed.

Here's a link which reveals what many of the Tinderbox 'house blends' really were - no warranties of accuracy of information expressed or implied - Interesting reading...

TinderBox Revealed

Entertaining reading even for those who don't smoke aromatics. - Sherm Natman

Aalborg = Granger mixed with a stale corn muffin.
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Jan 25, 2019
Philadelphia Suburbs, Pennsylvania
… I might as well lip an entire can of Skoal Berry Blend you insufferable, honey cob wrecking, Mixture 79 lovin SOB.


Missed you, Bro 😎

HA! I just received a new MM Diplomat bent stem in the mail with my new Brigham, and Rattray pipes; so, I'll be doing a new post with photos showing how I Honey/Syrup a brand new cob for breaking-in.

If you ask your wife nicely, she might let you stay up with the big kids and read-along; you poor, domestically abused sad-sack of Swiss-Miss smoking wretch of a man.

"@Grangerous !!!!, Stop playing on the computer and get in that kitchen and do the dishes... mop the floor...and iron the sheets!... and stop going into the kitchen and putting my little marshmallows in with your Granger tobacco... they are for my night-night hot chocolate... and, NOT for stuffing in your nasty little pipe!!"

Oh, how the mighty have fallen! :LOL: - Sherm Natman

Miss seeing you around too, Bro!
  • Haha
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Jan 31, 2011
HA! I just received a new MM Diplomat bent stem in the mail with my new Brigham, and Rattray pipes; so, I'll be doing a new post with photos showing how I Honey/Syrup a brand new cob for breaking-in.

If you ask your wife nicely, she might let you stay up with the big kids and read-along; you poor, domestically abused sad-sack of Swiss-Miss smoking wretch of a man.

View attachment 210233
"@Grangerous !!!!, Stop playing on the computer and get in that kitchen and do the dishes... mop the floor...and iron the sheets!... and stop going into the kitchen and putting my little marshmallows in with your Granger tobacco... they are for my night-night hot chocolate... and, NOT for stuffing in your nasty little pipe!!"

Oh, how the mighty have fallen! :LOL: - Sherm Natman

Miss seeing you around too, Bro!

Now we all want to know how you were able to obtain pics from inside the Grangerous household.
  • Haha
Reactions: shermnatman


Jan 25, 2019
Philadelphia Suburbs, Pennsylvania
Now we all want to know how you were able to obtain pics from inside the Grangerous household.
Oh, that's a screen grab, from that 1-800-HenPecked Hubby Help-Line public service announcements which they starred in back in the 80s,

it used to run in heavey rotation on Cable Access late at night, right between the Deal-a-Meal and Carlton Sheets Real Estate Millionaire infomercials.

Now, you can see it, along with a number of popular retro-commercials on YouTube.

Anytime I'm feeling blue, I watch it!

Nothing picks me up and puts a spring in my steps faster than seeing that old video of my best Buddy, @Grangerous ,catching the devil while trying to relax with his pipe...:LOL:

What are friends for, right? - Sherm Natman
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Reactions: brian64


Mar 13, 2023
Speaking of Historical accuracy, I keep reading that due the fear of shipboard fires, Pirates, Privateers, and Sailors had to chew tobacco when aboard those old wooden ships; and yet, we automatically associate them with pipe smoking - and not, chewing tobacco.

Of course, I wasn't there, so I really can't say; however, it does seem that the fiction is often more fun than the fact; except for the decapitation... that's a winner in my book! - Sherm Natman
I was listening to The Pirate History Podcast by a guy named Matt Albers. He mentions in an episode that while crossing Darien (a province in modern day Panama and the reason a continuous Pan-American highway is nigh-impossible to build), one of the pirates got a gnarly gunpowder burn to his leg down to the bone. While it isn't completely known what lit the powder, one of the theories is that an ember flew out from a crew mate's pipe as he walked by.

There's also the phrase "the smoking lamp is lit/out" which US Navy's historical website lists this as the smoking lamp's origin:

The exact date and origin of the smoking lamp has been lost. However, it probably came into use during the 16th Century when seamen began smoking on board vessels. The smoking lamp was a safety measure. It was devised mainly to keep the fire hazard away from highly combustible woodwork and gunpowder. Most navies established regulations restricting smoking to certain areas. Usually, the lamp was located in the forecastle or the area directly surrounding the galley indicting that smoking was permitted in this area. Even after the invention of matches in the 1830s, the lamp was an item of convenience to the smoker. When particularly hazardous operations or work required that smoking be curtailed, the unlighted lamp relayed the message. "The smoking lamp is lighted" or "the smoking lamp is out' were the expressions indicating that smoking was permitted or forbidden.
The smoking lamp has survived only as a figure of speech. When the officer of the deck says "the smoking lamp is out" before drills, refuelling or taking ammunition, that is the Navy's way of saying "cease smoking."

Hope this helps and if not, consider it some neat historical food for thought :)