Decided to bump this one out of the grave for some events that happened yesterday. We have a fall festival where I live called October Court Days. In days of old, it was when court was held, and during the proceedings, anyone and their families involved with the court hearings would gather in the courthouse square to trade and buy livestock, fire arms, food, and odds and ends. As time moved on, and transportation became more widely available, for the past several decades, the event has turned into a weekend long, town sized flea market. Being down there yesterday to consume my annual carnival food cravings, I lit a pipe to give my stomach time to settle. Ten or fifteen minutes in, I had drawn a small crowd of Millenials. Questions of, "What is that?" "Is that a weed pipe?" "You can smoke tobacco like that?" "Tobacco smells like that?" (I was smoking Luxury Twist Flake) And comments like, "I've never seen one used for tobacco". Or, "I thought pipes were made out of glass". It was silly, and even though I am a mad 904 collector, my eBay 904 purchase last night was more prompted by those events than anything.