Who likes to smoke one blend at a time?
I presume that most of us only smoke one pipe at a time, but that's not what I mean...
I'm wondering who likes to smoke through an entire tin without interruption, staying faithful to the one blend?
Okay, that's strict. So maybe a couple "variety" smokes are allowed, but who consumes the same blend 80-90% of the time until the tin is finished?
I have come to prefer this mode of pipe smoking, in stark contrast to my early days when I was obsessed with trying different blends from bowl to bowl.
The benefits are twofold: you aren't left with stale or dry or otherwise unenjoyable tobacco; you also get to really know and love a blend. You find out what its made of and you appreciate its qualities and you really take notice of its quirks and downsides...
If one is so inclined, you can also marry your pipe with the character of specific tobacco by smoking it in the same pipe over and over. Pipe dedication really does make a big difference in my appreciation of a tobacco.
So who else does this?
I presume that most of us only smoke one pipe at a time, but that's not what I mean...
I'm wondering who likes to smoke through an entire tin without interruption, staying faithful to the one blend?
Okay, that's strict. So maybe a couple "variety" smokes are allowed, but who consumes the same blend 80-90% of the time until the tin is finished?
I have come to prefer this mode of pipe smoking, in stark contrast to my early days when I was obsessed with trying different blends from bowl to bowl.
The benefits are twofold: you aren't left with stale or dry or otherwise unenjoyable tobacco; you also get to really know and love a blend. You find out what its made of and you appreciate its qualities and you really take notice of its quirks and downsides...
If one is so inclined, you can also marry your pipe with the character of specific tobacco by smoking it in the same pipe over and over. Pipe dedication really does make a big difference in my appreciation of a tobacco.
So who else does this?