Who Knew So Many Were Concerned?

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Can't Leave
Feb 17, 2014
Jacksonville, FL
Generally speaking, I have been fortunate to enjoy good health during my 58 years on planet earth (for those who might be wondering, this is the only planet I've inhabited, to my knowledge). For much of my adult life I've been "obese" by government standards - a big man, not "fat", per se. In recent years I've developed a bit of arthritis in my left hip, knee that is most probably attributed to several broken bones I had in early adulthood while playing basketball. Otherwise, all yearly blood test, exams have been very positive.
Suddenly, now that I've taken up pipe smoking, friends and some family are coming out of the woodwork to express their deepest concerns that I am endangering my health; even my very life. Who knew so many were so concerned? ;-)
I think I'll smoke a bowl or two in honor of each of those who are so suddenly and lovingly concerned. :puffy:



May 17, 2012
I swear some folks are put on this planet only to "show concern for others". I have some friends who are at an Olympic-level for not minding their own business...To Hades with them I say. :puffy:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 30, 2013
Portland, OR
Well said. I'm in my 40s and just started the briar hobby a year ago. Maybe a couple times a week. But it's funny how people percieve that I've been chain smoking my whole life.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 4, 2013
@apatim - I've been generally obese all my life (approaching that golden 50 year mark myself) and have liver and joint/muscle issue galore. My bloodwork has indicated as much most of my life. But since I've taken to the pipe, the numbers are looking better. I haven't changed anything, except the pipe. I firmly believe the relaxation and time I have to meditate daily is the driving force behind the improvement.
So light up another bowl and enjoy. :puffy:

Aug 14, 2012
There are folks who just are not fulfilled unless they can tell others what to do. These pathetic individuals find the most satisfaction as prison guards, police, religious organization, school and government officials. Those busybodies who are not in positions of power harass their family and "friends". Pity them don't condemn them.



Apr 16, 2014
Bryan, Texas
Smoke away brother! I smoked cigs for 35 years. I felt the effects and finally quit. I smoke pipes now, but do not inhale. I personally believe that this has no great risks for me since my body tolerated cig tobacco in my lungs for all those year. On the up side I feel so much better, and smoking is fun for me now. It's good for my soul at this point in my life... and at this point in my life that is what matters most.. to me.



Mar 1, 2013
I love what I like to call the "hypocritical cynic", and you all know someone like this. The person that smoked cigarettes their whole life or drank incessantly and now quit tells you how evil everything YOU do is and that you should be like them and stop. That's when I fire up my pipe or cigar with an adult beverage and puff and sip away.



Jun 10, 2013
Yes. Pipes are very dangerous. Meanwhile people all over the country are texting while driving which is completely safe. :|



Dec 5, 2012
Bronx, NY
I so remember when I had a jewelers' board meeting during the 'no cholesterol' phase back in the 1980's or so. There were about 20 folks attending, and I ordered a steak for dinner and almost every single member tsk tsked me for my order, and I was quiet. They ordered fish.
At dessert time, each and every one of them ordered ice cream with syrup, cake, etc.
I just blew up at them.
They all just sheepishly smiled at me...



Can't Leave
May 31, 2013
Funny. I drank like a fish for 30-odd years and was either loaded or hungover for most of it. Nobody said anything because I still got up every day to go to work. Quit drinking and picked up the pipe last year. Now people are worried about my health and I've literally never felt better. Just makes me shake my head.



Oct 15, 2013
One of friends actually expressed concern not about the ill effects of tobacco but the dangers of having a plastic stem in my mouth. We live in a very fearful society these days.



Dec 25, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
The sheeple have been programmed to think smoke is bad. All smoke. They just have not been made aware of the fact through mass propaganda and brainwashing there are plenty more dangerous things out there. 8O
While most of my family is deceased or in other parts of the country, one of my coworkers is always saying I should give up the pipe. She means well so I don't pay it any attention but I agree, pity them.



Jul 24, 2013
I must include this: the notable coeval of H.P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, once wrote a story still in print called "The Monster of the Prophesy." The tale tells of a human poet who is voluntarily spirited off to another planet by a sorta humanoid alien with five legs, three arms, and five eyes, to aid the alien in his own ambitions on his planet, explaining that the locals had a prophesy predicting a wizard with a monster with only two legs, arms, and eyes would become king. Well, things didn't quite work out that way, and the human ends up meeting another poet of the same alien race in another part of the planet, only without the superstitions of any prophesy. And the alien happened to be the princess of her people. Well, the two fell in love, improbable as that may seem. And so the story ends with "the male Alphads who had vainly wooed the empress thought her tastes were queer, not to say eccentric. But no comment was made...It would seem that the people of Omanorion had mastered the ultra-civilized art of minding their own business."

Enough said.



Can't Leave
Feb 25, 2014
Everyone does something "unhealthy" in one way or another. With the way the world is, you just can't avoid it. At least have the cojones to obsess over OUR poison 8)



Dec 22, 2013
New York
I loath 'health nazis' as the worst form of human incarnation. I both drink and smoke a pipe heavily and I seem to be none the worst for wear as I approach my half century. I used to smoke cigarettes years ago. I loved any unfiltered UK cigarette such as Woodbines, Capstan and Senior Service to name a few as well as the good old 'RYO' with Golden Virginia. Whilst I have always smoked a pipe I must admit to enjoying the odd gasper. That being said the minute I stopped smoking them people suddenly started saying good for you and other such rot. The only noticeable effect I experience was that when you opened the window in the morning I could actually smell petrol fumes and dog sh*t. I remember a long time ago my doctor gave me a prescription for nicotine patches in effort to get me to quit. He asked me how I was getting on with them at my annual physical. I told him they were fantastic but difficult to keep alight in my pipe. So enjoy your pipes and live a long life!

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