I had a paper route. The local daily paper, the Victoria Times-Colonist. Held that down for just over a year when I was 14. Had to get up at five every morning to get them delivered before seven. Was a good experience and part of the job was collecting the money every two weeks. That was the part that Dad drove me around for. He thought nothing of sending his firstborn out alone in the predawn rain, but didn't want to see me rolled for the paper money. 
Gave it up when I was old enough to pump gas. That was a completely different kind of learning experience. The paper route was healthier.
Followed by three years in a bakery. I'm still trying to lose the weight...
Gave it up when I was old enough to pump gas. That was a completely different kind of learning experience. The paper route was healthier.
Followed by three years in a bakery. I'm still trying to lose the weight...