White gloves? Why?

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Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
meer video
Hands down the best meerschaum video on the internet. A must watch video in my opinion.
@unkleyoda - I'm so disappointed that my Meerschaum video didn't make the list. :( :mrgreen:

Bremen Pipe Smoker does a great job with his video. Very informative.



Dec 22, 2013
New York
Coloring Bowls are quite a newish idea. Its the same idea behind the old silver coin or button in the bottom of the bowl trick which I have written about elsewhere. In the final analysis its all down to personal preference, beliefs and which particular old wives tale you subscribe too. I don't smoke briar pipes but thats just my personal 'thing' just as I am sure there are some avid meerschaum haters out in the world whose feelings mirror my own views on Falcon Pipes! That being said the whole glove thing is just a bit too Michael Jackson for my tastes! :rofl:



Dec 19, 2016
No offense meant, but if I'm wrapping my pipe in paper towels, I don't care what it looks like anymore. This concept just confuses me, but to each their own.
Sounds like you've got the picture pretty clear, crash. To me, buy the meer, smoke the damn thing, treat it like a pipe. Life goes on.



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
They wear special socks with a divide in the middle.
Damn, she is right.



Dec 19, 2016
Frankly, I would think that if this was really a concern somehow, unless you are greasy and sweating, if you just wash your hands before smoking the pipe, just how much skin oil are you going to have? And why would a little skin oil on the outside affect coloring but wax would promote it. I have never used any special care with a meer and they all seemed to color fine along where most of the smoke was concentrated first.



Feb 21, 2013
'Nice thing about unfinished briar pipes is that they finish themselves with smoking, tobacco, heat, and oil from hands. It's all to the good. One of the great pleasures of pipe smoking. If you've never smoked an unfinished pipe and watched it deepen in color to a vibrant walnut glow (or similar pleasing shade) this is a must-have experience.



Dec 19, 2016
I'm curious though, do you think that is due to the smoking or just the handling? Because any time I've seen an old pipe cut apart it seems that there is very little penetration from the smoking into the wood.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
That's right; it's not like coloring a meer. But the heat from smoking will tend to darken the wood, esp. If combined with hand and nose oils. Or other oil or wax.

I have a couple of natural finish pipes that when buffed with carnauba looks like a high gloss varnish.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I have seen a few pipes in The Briary's collection that had tar oozing out the pores of the briar. Then cut in half, the tar had penetrated the walls, but not in an easily photographed black from wall to chamber, but like black pin lines.
But, I was also in there one day when a guy brought his pipe in for Skip to look at. He wanted to know what was wrong with it. It has black puss shooting out of the birdseye side of the briar. The guy said he never touched the actual briar. He was a clencher that compulsively only touched the stem before and after smoking, meanwhile, while smoking, he absolutely never touched the briar. It was the tars shooting out like a black puss filled zit. It was gross, but kind of cool.
I was just as amazed at the guy's claims to have never touched the briar. He just told me that when you take the pipe out of your mouth, your not smoking. You light it, and smoke. That's it. Big burley dude, with hands like whole hams and a jawline like an ethnic crimeboss...

"But what if someone wants to talk to you about..."

"If you take the pipe out of your mouth, you're a pussy."

"Ohhhh kay." end of conversation. ha ha.



Jul 21, 2015
"If you take the pipe out of your mouth, you're a pussy."
Nowhere to go from there, really, except to hook him up with some strong SG/GH ropes and let nature take its course.

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