After looking at this again, I can't figure out how the shank splice doesn't mess up the stamping.
I've seen a couple LC's with factory spliced shanks, but they weren't originally made that way. They'd been dropped/broken and the pipe returned to Dunhill to be rescued by grafting, which included deep refinishing and re-stamping.
It's likely that's what happened here. You'd think (given the pipe's grade) that a closer grain match would have been found, but grain wouldn't become a Big Deal for another 60 years or so. Meaning if the repair was done before then, no one would probably mind.
As for the rest, the bowl topping is ham-fisted---not just the depth of it, but the texture, color, and edge matching make the work obvious. And the stem, of course, is not even remotely close for a Dunhill. The less said about it, the better. I suspect
those two things were done recently.
Could it be the seller's computer just has a sticky "0" key and he thought he typed
$12.00? :lol: