Which Peterson should I get?

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May 11, 2012
For a smilar price range, I would recommend Stanwell or Savinelli rather than Peterson.^Peterson presents too many inconsistencies in the final products, whether you pay 90 or $300 per pipe.
Life is a junkyard: you never know what awaits you.
do you have first hand knowledge of this or did you read it on the internet?
I have a system 314, tankard, st pat 2013 & 2014, 2 dracula, sh hudson, sh orig and a silver spigot off the top of my head and all are good smokers.



Can't Leave
Jan 15, 2014
I'm going to jump on the peterson bashing bandwagon here. Never been a fan of their pipes, don't understand the virtue of the 'system', and they just don't appeal to me. I'd agree with whoever said savinelli instead, beautiful pipes and such a wide range. Next on my list is a roma lucite canadian :)



Can't Leave
Oct 24, 2013
Presently own 6 Petes and each one is a great smoker. I love the look and the history. Sometimes the break-in can be lengthy with a Peterson, but once she's broken in it's Katie-bar-the-door. Great pipes and I've never had a single problem with one-- although around here there are evidently those who have...

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I have eleven Peterson pipes in my rotation and have yet to experience any problems with any of them.
The bands are wonderfully attached, the draw is really good on all of them, I haven't seen more than three fills on any bowl even the lower end models, and I haven't had a problem with any of the staining either tasting it or it coming off.
I'm actually going to be getting my 12th Peterson here shortly. My dad is buying me a System Standard rusticated 314 p-lip for my birthday. It's my first system pipe, very excited for it.
I have heard of some QC problems other members have had here, but I've also heard that Tom Palmer and the people at Peterson in Ireland are very helpful and will either fix the problem or send another pipe in the same line and shape as the one you purchased and had a problem with. I've never heard of a problem with a pipe that Peterson has repaired or replaced.
Out of the list I'd say start with an Aran. That was my first Peterson, an Aran B5.



Mar 19, 2013
Here's my latest Peterson: Rosslare in the 999 shape

I also have a Peterson Kildare in the 999 shape, and a friend liked it so much, he bought a Shannon 999. Fit's the hand beautifully.



Nov 18, 2013
I recently picked up half a dozen new System pipes. Every one of them needed the draft hole to be re-drilled and the moisture wells drilled deeper. On one of them the stem wobbled, and it took me an hour to re-fit it. None of this is rocket science, so if you're up to it, I say go ahead and get a Peterson. Now that I solved all the QC issues, they are some of my best smokers. Not having to keep running a pipe cleaner during a smoke is a nice advantage, especially when I'm out in company, and the heel stays dry so I can smoke it several times without needing to carry a second or third pipe along. I would not think of getting any other style of Peterson than a system. To me it's the only reason I would put up with their lousy QC. And it's a matter of personal taste, but I would strongly advise a newbie against the PLip. It can really scortch the top of your mouth, there are few taste buds on the palate vs the tongue, and getting a pipe cleaner through the hole which is at 90 degrees to the stem drilling, can be problematic at times.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 6, 2013
I love my Petersons but admittedly they are older ones. I bought them in 2007 and they were estate pipes even then. That said, my System Standard is a fantastic smoker and I'd highly recommend one. If you buy it and the draft hole is drilled off center or there are any QC problems, you can always return it. My System Standard was the 2nd pipe I ever bought after having a cheap basket pipe for a month. I've never had a problem with the P-Lip even from day one. Sure it's a bit harder to clean, but you will figure it out.
I also have lower end Savinelli and Stanwell pipes and they are all on par for quality as far as I can tell. Some Savinellis have filters, but they are easily removed and not required. If you want the Peterson look though, the only thing that will get you there is a Peterson.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 11, 2014
Personally, I've never experienced any issues with Peterson. I've had one (an Aran 268) that I struggled with for a bit, but once I got its fickleness down pat, it's smoked fine since. Keep in mind, however...the few I do own aren't newer than 2007/2008.
As for the list you've mention, I own a P-Lip Killarney XL90...and for the price, it's a pretty simple pipe with one heck of a bowl. If you want a clencher...look elsewhere, but if you want something you can sit and hold, it'll suit the need. From what I understand, the System pipes are the way to go with Peterson. I don't own one, but I've been debating myself on getting one. Those I know who own one state it's a cool smoke every time.
Scrolling through, I read someone prefers the P-Lip...I don't. I don't really notice any lessening of bite at all, and personally, I find the pipes that do sport this style accumulate more moisture while smoking. But, that's just me.



May 11, 2012
I'm going to jump on the peterson bashing bandwagon here. Never been a fan of their pipes, don't understand the virtue of the 'system', and they just don't appeal to me. I'd agree with whoever said savinelli instead, beautiful pipes and such a wide range. Next on my list is a roma lucite canadian :)
not liking them is different then QC problems.



Aug 3, 2010
The only problem I have ever had with any of my Pete's (18) is bands slip sometimes. Which is super easy fix. I love them they are great pipes. If it were me and I was going for the first Pete! I would go with the system pipe. Everyone needs a system pipe! (fishtail mouth piece) After that I would go Aran, I lake the finish. The other two have gloss finish, which can make them burn alittle hotter.

Happy Hunting!



Jul 27, 2012
Welcome Johnny!
As for Peterson's, it's true they've had QC issues, but that doesn't mean they don't make a good pipe. I love all of my Petes. It only means that you should buy from a reputable dealer like smoking pipes.com. Ask them to inspect it before sending.
If you receive one that is questionable, send it back before smoking. All in all, all makers have QC issues from time to time.



Can't Leave
Nov 30, 2013
hertford nc
JohnnyZ if your still reading your thread I will add that an xl90 is a hefty pipe. Not to discourage that though, cause I have one and LOVE IT!! Was actually smoking it today.
Makes me grunt like the tool man every time it comes up in rotation. With that said I'm gonna pack her up again.
To add to the discussion, I have two chacoms, a big ben, a vaun, three petes, and one savinelli. To me they all smoke great, and they all have a flaw.



Jul 30, 2012
plateauguy, that is beautiful. Same coloring of my new one I got today.

They have been in business too friggin long to not be a First class pipe manufacturer.

People have been smoking Pete's longer than most have been alive.



Feb 10, 2014
Wow! Thanks everyone for your input!! It means a lot!
I am planning on using smokingpipes.com for all my pipe needs, I don't really have any good smoke shops around here with a large supply, nor any B&M's as far as I know?
I think I'm going to stick with Peterson. I really like the way they look. Hope I don't have any issues, if I do it'll be my own fault. You live and you learn!
I really like the system pipes. How much extra cleaning is really needed? Why are they not recommended for beginners? I would have no problem spending a little extra money on a system over an aran if it would be worth it. Having no experience with either a P-lip, or a fishtail, I wouldn't know which one to go with for my first pipe, but something is leaning me towards a fishtail.
I really wish I had a place I could go to look at Pete's. I have no idea really what I'll like until I hold it in my hands. Some of you have great things to say about the System and recommend it, some have great things to say about the Aran, and recommend that. Is there a better pipe between the two? What are the main differences, besides the chamber in the system?
Also, do you guys recommend a particular pipe cleaner? I plan on purchasing a pipe, tobacco, accessories...everything I need. I'm thinking about getting the czech tool, very plain and simple, but seems to get the job done! Choosing tobacco will be a headache Any other recommendations on accessories to buy would be greatly appreciated!
Let the advice continue to pour in, please!! You guys are awesome! :D Thanks!



Can't Leave
Feb 20, 2013
Smokingpipes has a fantastic return policy. If there is a major problem, contact them and they'll take care of you.
The System pipes have a little well at the bottom. It will collect moisture as it's supposed to do. Use a q-tip or two and clean it out after the smoke. If you don't, it will eventually skunk up the pipe and get alot harder to clean out. (Caveat: There are those who believe the system encourages moisture buildup that wouldn't otherwise be there. I don't.)
In a first pipe, I would get a fishtail without question. The P-Lip is interesting and I like as a change of pace but it's a little harder to get a pipe cleaner down and I wouldn't want it in every pipe I owned.
The System/Aran difference is mainly the well but most of the Peterson lines use the same shapes otherwise. The differences between most of the lines is just the finish and stem accents. I wouldn't call anything in that price range "better" than another. I don't like the lacquer finishes but it's all basically which one visually appeals to you.
Pay attention to the sizes, especially with the system sizes. The little ones like the 317 are very small and the XL ones are pretty big. The 314 you are looking at is a good medium size which is a good size to start with it.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 3, 2012
My first briar that I enjoyed smoking was a Peterson system 31, it was very early into my pipe smoking. The cleaning isn't very difficult, you just need to clean the well with qtips or paper towel. I also have a Peterson Aran 150. Both are new within the last 18 months and both smoke amazing. I would sat in my experience that a system is a great pipe to start with.



Jun 23, 2013
The Hills of Tennessee
First off, welcome aboard!
Now to the pipes in question. It's true, Peterson has been catching a lot of hell here recently for quality issues. In my opinion, some of these "issues" seem questionable, while a few do seem legitimate. Myself, I have 17 Petersons in my collection, none have issues and all of them are great smokers.

I have many different shapes, sizes, P-lips and standard ft stems, straights, 1/8 bents, 1/2 bents, 3/4 bents and full bents. I have pipes from many of their different model lines, including 2 from the Aran line and 3 from the System Standard line you mentioned.

I'm sure there are a few floating around out there that do have QC issues, but I've been buying Petes for six years now, both new and estates and both in person and online, and I would not hesitate to buy another!
That being said, don't rule out pipes by Nording, Savinelli, Butz-Chouquin, Stanwell as well as Nording's Eriksen brand. I have pipes by all of these makers as well, all of which are great smokers!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 11, 2014
First welcome. For your price range I suggest "Stanwell, Savinelli, Lorenzetti". Second I have had my Stanwell which was my first/starter pipe for over 20 years and it's smokes like a champ every time all the time. Second I would also agree with considering looking at different estate pipes also.



Aug 20, 2013
Austin, Texas
I really like the system pipes. How much extra cleaning is really needed? Why are they not recommended for beginners? I would have no problem spending a little extra money on a system over an aran if it would be worth it. Having no experience with either a P-lip, or a fishtail, I wouldn't know which one to go with for my first pipe, but something is leaning me towards a fishtail.
Ok Since I have both a System Darwin and an Aran I would pick up the system over the Aran personally. I love the system and the cleaning time isn't really much more than cleaning the Aran, aside from doubling up a pipe cleaner and/or q-tip to clean out the reservoir - sometimes I leave a doubled up pipe cleaner in there to just absorb the moisture as it dries out.
This is the Darwin I have:



'Cept I got it in a p-lip. The bowl was slightly larger than I expected and I get a good hour and a half smoke out of it.



Mar 19, 2013
For tobacco I would suggest buying bulk from smokingpipes or from Rich at 4noggins.com (Rich has a sale on right now if you use the code KEVIN). Just buy 2 oz of whatever strikes your fancy so that you can experiment without spending a fortune. For an aromatic, you can't go wrong with Lane 1Q.

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