My cousin lives in Germany and he will be visiting us in a few days. I always asked him to bring me some RYO tobacco, cigarette filters, etc. I may ask him to bring me some pipe tobacco this time. Any advice?
There are a few DAN tobaccos that you can't get in the US like Holly's Discovery, Kriswill and St Bernard Flake. I haven't had any of these yet but they are reviewed well. Also, you might think about getting some Germain's Unobtanium (which is Obtanium in Germany) like Brown Flake and Special Latakia Flake.
Hey jvnshr, here's a good site your cousin could use to get all of the tobaccos listed above (except for HU--which I'd also recommend):
I also like the homemade blends from Pfeifen Huber in Munich--great people there