Mark Twain once said, "Too much of anything is no good, except too much whiskey. I say you can never have too much Latakia!
McClelland's Bombay Extra in a Michael Kabik CHP-X Pickaxe. This is my most smoked blend. Yes, even above those Frog Morton blends!
After trying a lot of English blends I've found this is my favorite blend. The Perique is just in the right measure with a heavy dose of Latakia but never overwhelming.
What do you smoke the most of?
McClelland's Bombay Extra in a Michael Kabik CHP-X Pickaxe. This is my most smoked blend. Yes, even above those Frog Morton blends!
After trying a lot of English blends I've found this is my favorite blend. The Perique is just in the right measure with a heavy dose of Latakia but never overwhelming.
What do you smoke the most of?