Where do you smoke your pipe?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 24, 2015
I smoke while working in the yard, walking the dog, taking a hike or just hanging out with a drink. I don't get to smoke inside yet cause I don't have a garage but when we buy a house it will have a garage where I will build my smoking room.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Indoors—at home— except when sitting with my wife; outdoors everywhere but around children; in the car except with wife. Can't smoke in restaurants or public buildings in CA, and no one has invited me to smoke in his house.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Nice necro-bump. My absolute favorite place is the kitchen while cooking. I smoke everywhere. But, in the kitchen is my favorite, with the coffee maker going and all of the aromas of food in various stages of cooking. I obviously didn't marry my wife for her abilities in the kitchen, but I more than make up for it with my passion for putting together a meal. It works for us, and I enjoy it. Especially since all of the girls have to clean the dishes.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 9, 2015
Porch, patio, garage, and when I'm outdoors. Fiancé is pregnant so I never smoke near her. Also in my rubicon.



Jul 21, 2015
Since I've gone from latakia blends to burleys, which actually smell pleasant to most non-smokers, I haven't had a problem.
They also smell pleasant when burning three inches from my nose.



Sep 2, 2015
San Francisco Bay Area, USA
Some areas in California can be a bit difficult for smokers. My suggestion is to make friends with some coffee shop owners/employees. Independent shops tend to be a little better for this. I introduce myself, tip well, and ask politely if I can smoke outside. If they say yes, I'm home free, and if anyone complains or gives a dirty look or the passive-aggressive fake cough, I usually make eye contact for a quick second to and silently take a big puff and go about my business.
Of course, most B&Ms are a good choice. If you're a regular customer, they may allow you to smoke without buying something, but why not buy an oz of something in bulk, or a cheap cigar. That way, you can smoke in peace, and support your local tobacconist.
I also smoke at home, mostly. Aromatics and Virginias inside. Latakias blends and cigars get me banished to the backyard. But I have a nice patio table, and will take my chromebook out there, so it is a fine compromise for me.



Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
I smoke every time I go outside. I don't smoke inside. Unless we at the casino, or one specific friends house.
My first time at the casino as a pipe smoker, I was paranoid. I asked an employee to make sure I could smoke my pipe in there, because I saw cigar smokers. He had to talk to 3 or 4 different people because he had no idea if that was allowed or not, but he figured people were smoking cigars, so he didn't care. After that, where ever I would sit, I would try not to make my smoke go by the people next to me. Now, I understand more, and know better. :) Especially if the lady next to me is smoking a cigarette...



Aug 24, 2015
I would have loved to say everywhere, but so far only at home when my partner who only smokes after a few drinks is smoking. At other times, I smoke cigarettes in the garden, and when I am out and about.



Sep 2, 2015
San Francisco Bay Area, USA
I don't generally agree with Perique regarding not worrying about smoking with other around who might have a negative attitude towards pipes. I think it is our responsibility to educate the public that smoking a pipe is an entirely different animal than cigarette smoking and should be respected as what it is: a time honored practice that serves those partaking with calming pleasure that actually smells quite pleasant. I take every opportunity to do that. That being said, I do agree with Perique that California is not the rest of the country and attitudes are sometimes a bit different than say where I live, Virginia..."
Spencer, the thing is, most people offended by smoking come at it from a concern regarding second-hand smoke. While smoking pipes and cigars are much healthier than inhaling smoke for the consumer, pipes and cigars generally generate a much heavier volume of smoke for non-smokers to be exposed to, and it's not any safer for them. Now, if you want to argue that some of the anti-second hand smoke propaganda overstates the risk to non-smokers and has relied on questionable methodology in the past, I'd agree. But that's a hard battle to fight.
And on a personal note, and I'm not trying to start a beef here, but as someone who still smokes cigarettes, I don't find it to be very cool for pipe/cigar smokers to look down on cigarette smokers. Cigarettes are a very effective nicotine delivery device, and for that burst of morning energy with a cup of coffee, I still enjoy them, though I create my own blends and handroll my own. Most factory cigarettes are awful these days, but cigarettes are generally made with the same tobaccos as pipe blends. About the only pipe component you DON'T see in cigarettes is Latakia. Virginia, Burley, Dark Fired, cigar leaf, even perique can be found in cigarettes and cigarette blends. And in many cases, even so-called non-aromatics are treated with more flavoring agents than cigarette tobaccos.
Divide and conquer won't get us anywhere. I like many different methods of using tobacco. However, to the zealous anti-tobacco crowd, it's all the same. So I think those of us who appreciate the traditional, new-world plant enjoyed by so many before us should stick together and support each other, regardless of method of choice.


Jul 19, 2015
On a ship, in between my duties. I usually have some time sit and enjoy a sunset (or sunrise) while having a smoke break.



Jul 19, 2015
Ha ha, not in the Navy. I'm a marine scientist. It is nice though, to sit, smoke, and think about the sailors before me, enjoying the same simple luxury in a place where any luxury is hard to come by.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Pretty much any wheres I desire that is legal. Downwind from others when conversing, unless it's someone I want to get rid of, then I move upwind. In the house, vehicles, driving the chainsaw, working behind the lens, in the woods, in camp, on the tractor, anywhere.



Feb 9, 2014
Nothing novel to add. I smoke in my truck, a lot. On my patio. My dogs don't care. That's where I am now. And they come to nuzzle and be petted.
When traveling, apart from the crowd. At a motel, I'll go where the staff goes to smoke, pull a chair off to the side, far from the picnic table, while I'm reviewing photos or writing up my notes.
At rest stops, aside from the building at a picnic table, away.
Or in a wooded place.
At home, though, in my wood shop, while I'm planing or cutting wood. Drilling or measuring or sanding.
Or while working on my truck, thinking whether what I'm doing is fixing the problem or eliminating one more possibility before I find out what's really wrong with it.
At a family bonfire, listening to the cracking woods.
Or... at work... having walked on my lunch far from the bustle, leaning against a tree near the lake... or the back marsh... watching ducks or studying a heron's hunting technique.
Heck... even in a deer stand... so the deer won't bother me. :)



Feb 9, 2014
Strange... I've even taken a deer while smoking my pipe. It's almost unfair, as animals seem to have no fear of a quiet pipe smoker, and come closer to look.

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