Where Do Famous Pipe Hobbyists Hang Out?

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Jun 9, 2015
Mission, Ks
They meet in hooded robed groups in underground caves and grottos that are lit by bundles of flaming Dr Grabows. They smoke 50 year escudo in gold plated Dunhills with George Dibos stems and and hold elaborate ceremonies to commune with the spirits of Bo Nordh and Sixten Ivarssen while worshiping at the altar of Alfred Dunhill.


Jan 7, 2020
PMF Recovery Center
Thanks for the thorough response.

First, I'd say there are plenty of well-known pipe smokers right here in front of you.
Agreed. I didn't mean to imply that all the cool kids where elsewhere, I was just curious about how those guys get their pipe talk fix.

Secondly, how do you know the folks listed are jonesing for pipe talk that can only be obtained through forum participation? Or that they aren't already participating, and we don't know as they are using a clever screen name? The only way to know is to ask them directly.
I actually assume that they aren't jonesing for pipe talk through forum participation as they aren't members here. But you’re right that some could be participating without being publicly known.

On another forum, I frequent a well-known individual (in this case a performer and small business owner) was an active participant, he didn't try to obscure his identity. Eventually, he was driven away by various trolls and folks who took issue with everything he posted. Maybe that tale sheds some light on why prominent folks don't frequent forums.
That’s a damn shame. Hope he was able to find a place (online or otherwise) to chat with folks where he was shown more respect.
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Jan 7, 2020
PMF Recovery Center
They meet in hooded robed groups in underground caves and grottos that are lit by bundles of flaming Dr Grabows. They smoke 50 year escudo in gold plated Dunhills with George Dibos stems and and hold elaborate ceremonies to commune with the spirits of Bo Nordh and Sixten Ivarssen while worshiping at the altar of Alfred Dunhill.
But where is that place? I want to be a cultist too!
Jun 9, 2015
Mission, Ks
But where is that place? I want to be a cultist too!
You must find your own path, the journey will be long and arduous. You must first make your way to the subterranean rooms of 30 Duke St, St James, London. There you must choose the one pipe of Alfred Dunhill from thousands of pipes. IF you choose correctly you will be allowed to smoke from the pipe of Sir Walter Raleigh, if you are pure of heart and your smoke is dry and no dottle is left behind you will be given instructions to begin your journey. If you fail to choose the one pipe or moisten the pipe of SWR you will beaten severely on and about the head and body with one of Rich Essermans pipes. This is all I can tell you though, I may have said to much already. I must go now, I'm being watched.

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Can't Leave
Aug 3, 2017
Rumor has it, that many of the well known "pipe celebrities" meet once per month, on Wednesday's on the dark side of the moon. I have been told that all who can make it are free to attend.......


Dec 3, 2021
Bagshot Row, Hobbiton
You must find your own path, the journey will be long and arduous. You must first make your way to the subterranean rooms of 30 Duke St, St James, London. There you must choose the one pipe of Alfred Dunhill from thousands of pipes. IF you choose correctly you will be allowed to smoke from the pipe of Sir Walter Raleigh, if you are pure of heart and your smoke is dry and no dottle is left behind you will be given instructions to begin your journey. If you fail to choose the one pipe or moisten the pipe of SWR you will beaten severely on and about the head and body with one of Rich Essermans pipes. This is all I can tell you though, I may have said to much already. I must go now, I'm being watched.


El Capitán

Jun 5, 2022
Newberry, Indiana
They meet in hooded robed groups in underground caves and grottos that are lit by bundles of flaming Dr Grabows. They smoke 50 year escudo in gold plated Dunhills with George Dibos stems and and hold elaborate ceremonies to commune with the spirits of Bo Nordh and Sixten Ivarssen while worshiping at the altar of Alfred Dunhill.
You really are out here spilling the secrets. You shall be the next sacrifice.