No seeds in my watermelon.
Now there's no seeds in my Pumpkin.I like roasted pumpkin seeds.
What are they going to genetically play with next so we can enjoy them while there here?
If I recall correctly, hold the bag by one corner- give it a shake and all the seeds will be at the bottom corner!
Of course, I dont have any firsthand knowledge of that.... LOL!
I just ate an orange.It had way too many seeds.That must have been the experiment that failed. well, everything is citrus based these days, so they've been messing with anything orange for a long Your orange is going to taste like toilet cleaner before its all over with.
I always like to spend time in the rooms with the mattresses hanging against the walls. Plus they use those jackets where you can hug yourself all the time.
Just had a piece of watermelon 10 minutes ago.
No black seeds like a few years ago.Just little tiny white ones.
The flesh was more the consistency of a very ripe Delicious Apple.
Flavor was terrible.Why did they have to toy with this one.