Hello steyrshrek!!!! I just got back home after flying into the show for the day. I was only able to go Saturday but will definitely go for a few days next year!! I will post a few pic tomorrow morning.... After talking to the guys about the amount of sleep (or lack thereof) that they are getting I can safely assume that posting updates are not high on their proirities right now!! HA HA!! :wink:
As my first pipe show ever I can safely say that I was overwhelmed!! Pipes and tobacco EVERYWHERE!!!! I spent 3 hours just roaming the show floor before I realized that I was missing all the fun in the smoking tent... I ended up picking up a Brigham Klondike Canadian and LOTS of tobacco.... In that respect I am glad I was only there for the day. My bank account would have been drained if I stayed longer!
At 2PM the PM.com members present at the show got together in the smoking tent and it was really cool to meet the guys and put names and faces to screen names!! Members present were Kevin of course, Lonestar, Winton and his son Josh, BigVan, undecagon and hauntedmyst. We had a great time getting to know one another and enjoying a few bowls together. We were there for about 3 hours... Good time!! I only wish I could have stayed the night to continue the fun but I guess I will have to wait until next year...
Experiencing this show at least once is a must for all pipe smokers and multiple trips are highly recommended!! I know that it will not be my last. I am already carving out time for next years show...... :lol: