"IMHO, a pipe is only pretentious when smoked by one who is pretentious."
I agree, and to wit, consider this quote from Carl Weber's book titled "Weber's Guide to Pipes and Pipe Smoking":
"Not enough attention has been give to the pipe smoker's manner, or style, as he holds and uses his pipe. This can be as great an art and as esthetic as the pouring of tea in Japan--and, indeed, may reveal the personality of the whole man. Never fidget with a pipe. Hold it quietly, lovingly, and unostentatiously, as though born with one in hand. Observe any English actor who has true presence, with pipe in mouth or simply resting in hand. What does he do? Virtually nothing. He makes smoking seem as natural as breathing--the pipe seems a mere appendage to his hand. Yet next time you see him, try to estimate how much this seemingly innocent dexterity adds to his charm!"
Further on in that book he states, "Literary aficionados of the pipe have included such able authors as Thackeray, famous for this quotation, 'The pipe draws wisdom from the lips of the philosopher and shuts up the mouth of the foolish; it generates a style of conversation contemplative, thoughtful, benevolent and unaffected.'"
To both of these quotes I say Amen!