My brother-in-law (who was married to my oldest sister) smoked a pipe, as did a close family friend. They both had very calm, laid-back natures and this fascinated me as I was a hyper teenager and had been so since I was very young. Neither of my parents were smokers and they didn't share the calm attitude of my brother-in-law and family friend. So I thought maybe the pipe had something to do with it.
At age 17 I made the decision to take up the briar and tobacco. My first experience was not good as I didn't know anything about proper packing or correct smoking technique and I fried my tongue. I changed tobaccos from Cherry Blend, my brother-in-law's brand, to Carter Hall and also discovered the breath smoking technique quite by accident. I found the calming experience and enjoyment I had been searching for. My parents definitely did not approve but did not stop me. I also smoked the occasional cigar but found the pipe much more satisfying.
Of course at age 17 I was also discovering the opposite sex. I really didn't have a lot going for me looks-wise and I was not a jock so my success was very limited. Then I discovered aromatics, specifically Amphora Red Full Aroma, which was always on sale in the can at K-Mart. I found that if I smoked it in mixed company invariably some young lady would eventually wander over to me and comment favorably on the aroma of my pipe. I had finally found a way to strike up conversations and have some success with the ladies.
Pipe smoking fit in perfectly with my main hobby, which was fishing. I spent many a Sunday afternoon with a pipe clenched in my mouth and rod and reel in hand, pursuing the elusive lunker bass. I even found I could fly fish while smoking by clenching the pipe in my teeth. I often smoked cobs while fishing, in case I did drop the pipe in the water. Most of my early pipes were either Grabows, Kaywoodies, or cobs, but I did have one Falcon which I liked a lot.
I better wind up this somewhat long-winded dissertation by saying that after 42 years I have never regretted becoming a pipe smoker. I find I am still learning new things about my hobby, whether it be a new tobacco blend or a different brand or style of pipe. It's been a long journey but I have enjoyed every step.