I can tell you what your list will end up being. This question has been asked over and over again, with the exception of the requirements your specific blends types.
So here's my prediction:
Sam Gawith's - Full Virginia Flake (Straight VA)
Frog Morton's - Cellar (Aromatic intro to English)
Peter Stokkobye's - Luxury Navy Flake (Virginia,Perique of VaPer)
Lane's - 1Q (Aromatic)
MacBaren's - Old Dark Fired.
The following list is my recommendation to you as a beginner.
McClelland's - Bulk 5100 "Red Cake" (Straight VA)
Peter Stokkobye's - Luxury Navy Flake (Virginia,Perique of VaPer)
Rattray's - Bagpiper's Dream (Aromatic) One I've found that actually tastes good.
C&D's - Epiphany (This one being an "American" English)
GL Pease's - Gaslight (English) My favorite blend.