I don't even know the name of it. The six dollar one at Rite-Aid with the bent stem. I got two and love them both! Lightweight and perfect for clenching while doing odd jobs around the yard. Don't think you could go wrong with any of them, IMHO. I should add that I've also got the natural one without the plaster fill. It was three or four bucks at the local B&M. It seems to me that it smokes a bit cooler than the other ones. Maybe just my imagination though.
To be honest, I think I'm pretty much done with them.
They were ok to "fill the gaps" while I was gettting a decent rotation of briars, but now I find I don't reach for them at all...
I personally like the legend I got in my bag-o-seconds, and the legend from the same bag that I refit with a danish straight bit. but the best recommend I can give is the bag-o-seconds. You get ten smoke able pipes and can smoke through them to find out what styles you like or don't, plus it builds up the rotation quickly, and gives you a pocket full of clean pipes for tasting new tobaccos
The Country Gentleman is also my favourite, hands down.
I've got 12 or 13 in rotation.
I agree with flintlockjohn - it has a sizable bowl for long enjoyable smokes and it performs like a champion.
I also like the dark stained finish and the overall rustic appearance. I think it is the best looking MM cob out there.
The corn cob pipe may not be for everybody, but when you find a good one they offer amazing value and performance.
Like others here, I like the Country Gentleman best. I like the size of the bowl and the easy draw. The shape appeals to me as well. It is an easy pipe to clench when you're enjoying a bowl while doing other things. They are very forgiving and practically smoke themselves.
My favorite is the bent Spool, because it has a somewhat narrower and taller bowl than other cobs, It's perfect for Mac Baren roll cakes, which are thin slices of mild, flavorful rope blends. I can fit 4-6 coins of Club Blend and get a nice, long smoke.
I'm a big fan of the bent diplomat and bent great dane spool. They're both easy to clench and have a nice chamber capacity and feel good in the hand. Oh and they smoke amazing...
Also, I recently picked up a couple of bent Missouri Prides. This may become my new favorite... small bowl but extremely light and the natural finish (no varnish or w/e they put on them... just natural cob). Seems to smoke even cooler and drier than my Diplomats and Spools.. didn't think it possible!
I have settled on Country Gentleman as a favorite. I keep 3-4 in rotation between the HAM room, the garage/workshop and my truck.
I do replace the stems with forever stems. It just seems that cobs and Burley go together like peas and carrots. Schmoking Sugar Barrel in a cob right now. 8)