Here goes, all pics will be stacked at the end.
Graduate school starts August 17th, I'm still in the market for Chicago apartments. In the meantime, elementary teaching is done, and I finished the high school band camp I was hired for this summer, leaving me happily "unemployed". I'm still giving lessons and doing gigs tho. Some exciting gigs coming up if you are near the windy city: next thursday (27th?) my steel band and marimba quartet will both be playing in Nichols park from 1-3. Then, my steel band is playing in the 4th of July parade before heading to Montreal for their Pan Festival. Speaking of which, how much baccy can I carry across the border?
My nephew was recently baptised, and my sis and her husband are enjoying parenthood greatly
I have a friend who recently got her PHD in theology and has began studying scotch and pipe smoking under my tutelage She took me to Uhle's in Milwalkee and I bought her a cob and a Nording.
My family and I are currently visiting friends and family in texas and arizona. Here in dallas now....smoke shops? Will be in Pheonix in a few days, again....smoke shops?
My cats are doing well too!
Graduate school starts August 17th, I'm still in the market for Chicago apartments. In the meantime, elementary teaching is done, and I finished the high school band camp I was hired for this summer, leaving me happily "unemployed". I'm still giving lessons and doing gigs tho. Some exciting gigs coming up if you are near the windy city: next thursday (27th?) my steel band and marimba quartet will both be playing in Nichols park from 1-3. Then, my steel band is playing in the 4th of July parade before heading to Montreal for their Pan Festival. Speaking of which, how much baccy can I carry across the border?
My nephew was recently baptised, and my sis and her husband are enjoying parenthood greatly
I have a friend who recently got her PHD in theology and has began studying scotch and pipe smoking under my tutelage She took me to Uhle's in Milwalkee and I bought her a cob and a Nording.
My family and I are currently visiting friends and family in texas and arizona. Here in dallas now....smoke shops? Will be in Pheonix in a few days, again....smoke shops?
My cats are doing well too!