What's Going on with Tobacco?

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May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Jesse, do you think that European mfgs are sending more of their inventory to Asia at higher price points? They must see what prices here are going for and maybe saying to themselves we can make more money with the Asian markets. Does anyone know what prices and taxes are in Asia?



Might Stick Around
Jul 29, 2018
I think another thing that may come into play here in the States is in our fast paced society, we are looking for instant gratification, disposable goods, anything that saves us time. We are busy and always on the go, so for those that indulge in smoking, grabbing a pack of cigarettes when we get fuel, or grabbing a cigar that practically smokes itself is quick and easy. Smoking a pipe forces you to slow down. You have to pack it right, you have to light it right, you have to stoke it and massage it to get it to smoke and burn properly. Frustrating for us beginners, but that is part of what appeals to me about it. I am tired of always having to run to the next appointment or shindig. I am about to turn 40 (a spring chicken compared to some of y'all) and I don't want to wake up one day and wonder where my life went. I'll probably do that anyway, but I'm just saying.
Europe and Asia hasn't quite caught up to where we are in our fast paced society. Sure, you get some of it in the bigger cities, but it seems to be pretty prevalent here even outside of the city. I live in the sticks and it seems like I'm always on the go. There's always somewhere to be and work to be done.
5 years ago when I bought the house we now live in, I made it a point to go outside every morning and drink through at least one cup of coffee. The dogs are itching to go out first thing anyway, so I'll go out and sit on the porch and watch them potty and run off the squirrels that are getting up for the day and rabbits that are heading back to the nest to bed down and hummingbirds that jack with my my pit bull because doesn't like them buzzing around his head. Those 20-30 minutes every morning have made the biggest difference for me.
Do you think that has anything to do with the declining or at best, steady market here in the US?



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Jesse, do you think that European mfgs are sending more of their inventory to Asia at higher price points? They must see what prices here are going for and maybe saying to themselves we can make more money with the Asian markets. Does anyone know what prices and taxes are in Asia?
Harris, I don't know. It's certainly happened with pipes and the scene there is still trending upward. If it happened with pipes, why not tobacco? Was Germain's making blends for the Asian market a few years ago like they are now?
Where would you do business? Where you can make the best return on investment.



Jun 6, 2017
Europe and Asia hasn't quite caught up to where we are in our fast paced society.
My favorite example of the relaxed Asian lifestyle:



Jul 19, 2018
My last observation is that children parenting adults is one of the more successful tactics of the "anti-smoker" side of the debate. The only response an adult has is that of, "I like it. I know the risks. And, I'm selfish and stubborn with respect to my chosen vice." That was my response the first time my daughter brought home the "Smoking is bad for you!" observation. She was absolutely correct and there was no other response. I'll be using the same response when my grandson makes the same observation in a few years.

My youngest kid is 12. He'd never seen me smoke anything and probably only ever heard rumors that I had ever smoked cigarettes (quit 17 years ago). So, when he first found out about the pipe just this past year, he freaked - a lot. He's ok now, but for awhile I had to walk the line between being Dad - don't scold and lecture me and respecting his concern for my health. There's a lot kids are being taught in schools a lot of emphasis on things that I don't necessarily agree with. Over time we'll talk more as to why I love my pipe.


May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Jesse, I am a whore so of course I would sell all I could to Asia. Hopefully for the people in this country the European mfgs will remember how loyal the American market is and not sell too much to Asia.



Might Stick Around
Jul 29, 2018
My favorite example of the relaxed Asian lifestyle:
Yes, it is like that in the cities, but the vast majority of Asia is not. The cities are extremely concentrated, busy epicenters while the rest of the country is .... nothing.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Jesse, I am a whore so of course I would sell all I could to Asia. Hopefully for the people in this country the European mfgs will remember how loyal the American market is and not sell too much to Asia.
Harris, I think business will sell where they can make more return and that loyalty won't figure into it. We're going to be competing with other markets and if we can't, we can't.



Jan 31, 2011
My favorite example of the relaxed Asian lifestyle:
And Godzilla is hungry and waiting just down the track.



Can't Leave
Mar 15, 2018
Mr.Artificialme, The Younger Generation despise smoking' thing was a news to me,In my youth(I'm 52)this all was opposite, at least now I'm updated on the current mood of young adults' Thank You and Greets, Paul
I don't really now about what's going on in USA, but at least in my country, younger people was trying to led a healthy life. Starting with no smoking, no alcohol, and healthy food. In the other hand, I smoked, I drank alcohol, and eat crappy food. Hahaha



Might Stick Around
Jul 29, 2018
eggs were good for you, then they were bad for you, and now they're good again.

Salt was ok, but then it was bad, but now you can eat it again, but only a little.

Red meat was good for you, then it caused heart attacks, now there are special diets where you eat only meat.
What I'm getting is either: 1.) no one really knows what's good or bad for you OR 2.) everything is ok in moderation.
I'll go with the later.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I believe in "our" country, many younger people are also voluntarily enlisting, going to war, fighting fires, going to work every day, paying mortgages, raising children, patrolling the streets, selling produce, working farms, and in general simply living a decent life, making a substantial, positive contribution to society.
I do so detest generalities! Most especially those which damn entire generations and nationalities. If you were trolling me, you succeeded. I will rise to that bait nearly every time.



Can't Leave
Mar 15, 2018
I do so detest generalities! Most especially those which damn entire generations and nationalities. If you were trolling me, you succeeded. I will rise to that bait nearly every time.
Hope my post doesn't offend you warren. I just want to say that some of the younger generation believe they know everything about health and smoking is seen as a threat to their believe. That's what I see. It's only my opinion though



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
My pipe smoking is therapeutic, and pleasurable. Possible side effects come with most therapies.
One of the conditions my pipe smoking addresses is nicotine addiction.

Jul 28, 2016
+1 for NewBroom, Sir You nailed it,this is so me,(Condorlover1 even supplied me a pouch of Levi Garret Chew,which is awesome)

Artificialme: I have quite a few friends in their 30ies, who regularly frequent Gyms It looks like a majority of those dudes planning to live forever and never die,they say I'm outdated, being only 20 years them older



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
"We're going to be competing with other markets and if we can't, we can't."
The way things are heading at present the US will be trading with no one and no one will be trading with the US!
I believe the EU has already slapped punitive tariffs on incoming US tobacco. Not good.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I see it as simply posturing. The US has things the EU and non-EU countries desire. That goes the other way also. The press and politicians are having a field day wringing their hands, offering dire warnings, running in circles and peeing their pants. In other words, playing to their constituents and begging votes. In the next few months we'll probably see this is "trade war" as "much ado about nothing", simply an adjustment to the real world. Most European countries no longer need the largesse of the US. Some may want it but, they no longer need it.
The US and rest of the world are struggling to respond to China's emergence as an economic powerhouse. Russia is still a third world country economically and really only matters in a "threat assessment" as they take what they want, when they want it.
Tobacco taxes? Hardly worth consideration in the larger scheme of things. You and I will, simply and grudgingly, pay what we must or cease smoking.

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