The darker the morta, the older. Much of the black stuff has been carbon dated to 5500 years old. I've heard the blonde stuff has a stronger flavor, but I only like the black, so I can offer no personal experience. If you can get one, Vermont Freehand puts out the Norsedog, and it's a lovely pipe. There is no advantage over briar, in my opinion. I'll be totally honest, briar is your main pipe, everything else is a treat to be used in between. That being said, the lightness of morta is nice. I find the flavor addition is very subtle, and most agree that it pairs well with English blends. I personally like them with a smooth Virginia flake, it adds a subtle note of earthiness that is like blending a Virginia, but it is barely there. Should you own one good morta pipe, yes. Will it replace the time honored briar, no. YMMV.